Mob von „Männern aus dem Nahen Osten“ verprügelt lesbisches Paar bei Geburtstagsfeier brutal

Mob von „Männern aus dem Nahen Osten“ verprügelt lesbisches Paar bei Geburtstagsfeier brutal

  1. If they were targeted due to their sexual orientation, then it likely qualifies as a hate crime, and should in theory be treated more seriously by the authorities.

  2. there we have it again, the most feminist, peaceful and honorary religion ever.

  3. “A bystander managed to alert police but by the time they arrived the fight had stopped.”

    10 men vs 2 women qualifies as a fight? That’s assault, nothing else.

  4. Why the fuck do these degenerates flee their countries just to then try and impose the same rules on the place they flee to. What is their goal? To turn Canada into another shithole they need to flee again?

    It’s no wonder the far right is gaining so much traction all over the western world. These kind of crimes should be instant deportation

  5. It’s just so perplexing why all these “far right” politicians across the Western world are experiencing a surge of support…

  6. But pointing the fact that it’s always the same offenders will get you moderated…
    When are we gonna look at stats just like Sweden has done and admit that some cultures can’t be integrated

  7. > Emma said police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women.

    > The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs, Emma said.

    > Police have said the incident is under investigation and no charges have yet been brought.

    WTF they were caught but not charged because they blamed the fight on the victim and “refused to cooperate”?

  8. You get what you tolerate.

    Is not about race, nationality or religion. If they cannot integrate in a civilized society send them back from where they came.

  9. Saw this in Canadian news but ethnicity of attackers was not discussed. That community has a problem with its young men and it needs to be discussed, not covered up.

  10. So the men refused to give their IDs? What then? Were they arrested or not?

  11. I’m sorry, but this is why people have issues with middle eastern people. It’s not a good look. Not a good look at all.

  12. Maybe the lesbian couple should rethink their privilege and accept that the middle eastern men have a long time tradition of beating women, so it is a part of their culture, and thus the women are being intolerant by protesting and not taking a beating in silence?

    obvious /s, but this is exactly how the prostests against rise of religious morons with 70iq from 3rd world countries in europe has been swept under the rug so gar. It’s surprising that the couple wasn’t called a nazi and racists by the left… yet. 

  13. They do not want to assimilate to the western world, they want to bring the third world and their beliefs to the west and expect you to comply.

    People have been saying thus for years and have been called racist for it but this is the proof and they and do worse in their home countries and now it’s coming to a town near you.

  14. Police has gotten spineless last 20 years or so. Society wouldn’t mind if they acted more actively.

  15. Over half the world’s population doesn’t like gay people, the muslim population is a significant chunk of those people.

  16. Fuck Islam in particular and fuck any other form of extremist belief, fuck theocracies and fuck ignorance.
    Religion is cancer.

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