Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week

Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week

by Graybeard_Shaving

  1. So, young greek people will just leave for better opportunities in the EU, and Greece will have to accept large numbers of immigrants to take on these jobs (or else its economy will explode). What a horrible situation.

  2. Six day working week sucks. Even 2 days are  sometimes not enough for rest.

  3. Don’t they already have some of the highest average weekly working hours in EU?

  4. Hopefully the last, and hopefully they revert this. It’s such a bad image for the country. Who would ever wanna live there?

  5. One of the previous posts a lot of Greek bros said most of them already work 6 days. It’s just sad that’s not how you fix things.

  6. Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week”

    The first one? How many more is planning this shit? 😂

  7. Some employer somewhere: “What do you mean, you can’t work eight days per week? You’re a failure!”

  8. I have a question. I Germany, the law for vacation states that you have 24 days of vacation per year as a Standart. The intention is, that workers can have 4 weeks off throughout the years. (e.g. If your work 5 days a week you get only a minimum of 20 days per year)

    Wouldn’t that make Germany have a 6 day work week before greece?

    Or what am I missing?

  9. The solution to an aging population and a brain drain is to go in the opposite direction and improve the lives of younger people so that they are less stressed and more likely to have kids, but sure work your population even more and make them even more stressed.

  10. Wait my bad , I kept thinking that it would be downright dystopian to start shortening weekends (or lengthening the work week) , so my brain had automatically kept correcting it to a 4-day work week.

    I cannot fathom having to spend 6 out of 7 days a week working.

  11. Ok so, I have been researching this for a week, so let’s talk details. Zeroth of, I do not under any circumstances support this move for no job or sector. We should be moving to a 4 day or 36 hour week, like everyone else. This is a disgrace and an absolute failure on the government’s part. Mitsotakis calling this “pro-worker” is a liar, and it is clear that this man has not once had to work as an actual employee.

    First of, the 6-day work week is not for everyone. You read the headlines, you might assume so. The reality is that this only encompasses private sectors that require 24/7 service. That means your regular office worker or shop worker or farmer will not be affected. This specifically targets tourism sectors, and accidentally targets tech support sectors. It importantly leaves out public service sectors, meaning that if you need to file your taxes or pick up your mail on a Saturday, eat shit and take the day off.

    Secondly, there are no contracts that would be 6-day work weeks even in those sectors. Rather, you sign a 5-day work week contract, and on “periods of increased needs” your employer and you agree that you work a 6th individual work day of no more than 8 hours that has to be on Saturday, and that individual day needs to be set by the employer on Ergani, the Greek Bureau of Work System.

    That of course is completely disconnected from the reality of work in the private sector, as agreeing to it will rarely be the choice of the employee. Once the day is set on Ergani, the emplyee is supposed to work it. Not appearing would be grounds for termination.

    This is on top of an additional law that allows up to 2 hours of unpaid overtime a day, leading to effectively a 58-hour week (and remaining to 50-hours for the excluded sectors). And there-in lies the game. This is without a doubt yet another “unpaid overtime” law. An already huge problem in Greece, only now even more stacked towards the employer. In theory, this would/could buck the the trend of tourism sector jobs being “10-hour 7-day work for 8-hour 5-day of pay”, which is a huge problem in the whole of islandic Greece. By alleviating the cost of “work” for the employers they expect less unpaid work for the employees and thus better pay for them and higher taxes for the government. I really doubt that’s going to actually come to pass.

  12. God, please don’t let this give the Romanian government any ideas. Those fuckers will do anything but help the people.

  13. They’re in EU. Won’t everyone just immigrate ASAP? Shit pay, shit work, 6 days what is the government thinking?

  14. We’re regressing instead of progressing.

    We should push for 4 days wortime, not 6 ffs.

  15. According to our wise government, the best way to combat brain drain and a declining population is to ….force those that can stay and have kids work more! Yeah! Brilliant!

  16. I head that it’s optional and you get paid more, if it’s true and regulated I guess that’s alright.

  17. In solidarity with all of the workers who have to go through this. Five already sometimes sucks so hard because hardly shit gets ever done if you want to have a live besides work and get proper sleep.
    I hope that gets abandoned sooner then installed.

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