Russian catches mine/grenade after Ukrainian ambush.

Can briefly see his outline in the brush before it goes off.

by K-17-

  1. I dont get what happening here! + I dont get the caption. Need explanation!

  2. I see guys running and shooting and an explosion. I don’t see anyone catching a grenade.

  3. From 00:03-00:04 you can see a russian running and grenade denoting. Solider retreats and starts putting rounds down

  4. So, as someone pointed out already, you can see someone thru the bushes running from left to right when the Ukrainian soldier raises his weapon, and something ends up blowing under the guy running which acording to the title, would be a mine

  5. You should use “catches” like this when we already have videos of people actually catching drones in their hands. Shits confusing lol

  6. So as someone else said, if you look, you see a soldier running and something, possibly a mine underneath him, blows up. The cameraman retreats and then starts shooting in the direction of the soldier that was running to him.

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