BBC News: Jeffrey Donaldson facing more sex offence charges

The former DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson is to face additional sex offence charges when he appears in court on Wednesday.

He is now being accused of a total of 18 offences, after the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) considered the police evidence.

Initially, when he appeared in court in April, the ex-MP was accused of 11 offences.

His wife and co-accused, Lady Eleanor Donaldson, is to face five charges.

Originally it was four.

The offences are alleged to have occurred between 1985 and 2006 and involve two alleged victims.

The pair were arrested at their home on 28 March and charged by police after a day of questioning.

They were released on bail.

Sir Jeffrey, 61, resigned as DUP leader after being charged.

In a letter to the party he said he would be strenuously contesting the charges.

by thisisanamesoitis

  1. Not looking good for the chinless gormless fuck is it?

    Just before election day too. 

  2. Curious how much this whole thing affects their results this week. Sample size of 1 but I know of a fairly staunch presbyterian couple who vote DUP by default and refuse to anymore.

  3. As a matter of interest, should they both be found guilty, can the powers that be remove any titles bestowed on them?

  4. Can see him doing an Epstein tbh, think he’s guilty as sin but can’t see him behind bars

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