Conservatives face ‘huge blow’ and Reform UK popularity surges – ITV Wales poll | ITV News

Conservatives face ‘huge blow’ and Reform UK popularity surges – ITV Wales poll | ITV News

by lenzo

  1. Not sure I agree with the title of the article, but always interesting to have some Wales specific polling.

    Poll results (comparison to June poll in brackets):

    Labour: 40% (-5)

    Conservatives: 16% (-2)

    Reform UK: 16% (+3)

    Plaid Cymru: 14% (+2)

    Liberal Democrats: 7% (+2)

    Green: 5% (+1)

    Other: 2% (+1)

  2. In Wales we know how rubbish labour are in the senedd, and we know how shite the Tories are at Westminster.
    So vote for reform

  3. On Thursday night (or early Friday morning) all eyes on Brecon & Radnor, Montgomeryshire, Caerfyrddin and Ynys Mon for me. By far the 4 most interesting Welsh seats in this campaign imo.

  4. Here’s a reminder that reform are just openly racist tories, who’s only strong point they have going for them is the fact that they aren’t in the Conservative party.

    You’ve got to be brain dead to vote for either of those dog shit parties.

  5. Please everyone tell friends and family that are not tech savvy that reform are using Russian funded bots to push Reform to the top of internet comments & posts!

    They sold us down the river with Brexit, please don’t let them turn us into Trump land!

  6. Reform on 16%.

    Wow, we really do have a problem with educational standards in this country.

  7. I do find it interesting that the Labour support has dropped even if it’s just from recent polls. But even from the last election, it’s basically the same. Like the article suggested it could be bad news for the long term prospects of Labour in Wales.

    Realistically, this election was always going to be a good result for Labour. People really want to give the Tories s kicking. But at the next election, or a future election where people still hate the Tories but didn’t just with Labour either, shit could go down.

    I don’t like Reform and I can’t see myself ever voting for them, but a future scenario where the big two in Wales are Reform and Plaid Cymru is interesting to think about.

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