Die Sehkraft unseres Planeten verschlechtert sich: Bis 2050 werden 50 % der Bevölkerung kurzsichtig sein

Die Sehkraft unseres Planeten verschlechtert sich: Bis 2050 werden 50 % der Bevölkerung kurzsichtig sein


  1. Experts point out that the overuse of screens and decline in outdoor activity are some of the factors behind the rise of the condition which, if not corrected, increases the risk of blindness.

  2. On the bright side: CRTs are rare anymore and modern flat panel displays create far less eye strain than CRTs did.

    Even if LDCs, OLEDs aren’t great for your eyes, they are orders of magnitude better than CRTs.

  3. People like to imagine how they’ll survive when zombie outbreak or any kind of apocalypse. But majority of us will die within a year due to shitty vision.

  4. As a person with a strong perscription I’m always going to be so grateful to the opticians and engineers who developed modern day glasses because I can’t imagine how miserable my life would be going around and just seeing nothing but headache inducing blur… 

  5. Well Humans are going to be more tech savvy each consecutive decade, so yeah Myopia will become our friend.

  6. I wonder if at some point we will redefine what is “normal vision”. 20/20 is based on “if you can see at 20 feet what can normally be seen at 20 feet”. But what “can normally be seen at 20 feet”… normally by whom? The average person? If the average person in 2050 has what we consider today to be 20/40 vision, then the 2050 standard for 20/20 should be what 20/40 is today, right?

  7. Personally I blame the aliens….they don’t want us to see them coming for our women and artisan cheese.

  8. Maybe an accelerating problem due to new phones use of PWM? – Or this might just be causing increased headache, tired eyes and dizziness.


  9. It’s because men with bad eyesight used to be limited in their dating choices. Nowadays they can get LASIK, become fighter pilots, and date anyone they want. Which is good in the short term, but also passes their bad eyesight genes to succeeding generations. A similar phenomenon in women who get plastic surgery will unfortunately result in a future generation of the ugly and blind.

  10. Didn’t they lately discover that this is not because of screen use as everyone though, but because of spending too less time outdoor?

    (The sky and sun light exposure triggers certain growth processes in the eye)

  11. Who cares…how many will be dead by 2050 due to lack of clean drinking water or because temps start pushing 50+ over multiple days. Linear extrapolation of a single variable without taking into context everything else going on is idiotic reporting.

  12. It’s because we spend not enough time outdoors during the critical period of 4 to 7 years old. But not for the reason most people think. It’s actually because we don’t get exposed to [enough sunlight](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5001923/) which is much brighter than indoor lighting and stops our eyeballs from lengthening too much. It’s not because of looking at things close up.

  13. I get a kick out of these studies that state a sensational result, only to find out they are talking 25 plus years out.

    Then the same science community says half the population of the earth will be underwater by 2050.

    So how is half the population needing glasses a priority during an apocalypse?

    Maybe what they’re trying to say is half the population will have trouble seeing because they will be underwater?

  14. Humanity has this figured out ALMOST.

    Were literally on the cusp of it.

    We know that 1 hour of ‘being outside’ prevents it almost entirely. We just dont know the mechanism yet. It might the sunlight, it might be the extended focus point or something else entirely.

    We have the data THAT it helps, so if you want a head start for your kids, until the pills are there:

    Sign them up for football/socker practice, take them hiking, buy a yard trampoline, join the boy/girl scouts. Anything for that hour of natural sunlight straight up into the eyeballs.

  15. My 7 year old nephew sits so incredibly close to the tv when playing video games and my sister/bro in law just let him. He moves his chair up if you move it back or doesn’t listen to them when they tell him to move. Frustrating

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