Clearing operations recorded by a girl “stormtrooper” from the Third Assault bridage in the Kharkiv region

Clearing operations recorded by a girl “stormtrooper” from the Third Assault bridage in the Kharkiv region

by SpookyKIDo

  1. They need to send some of those 3D printed round loaders, chuck them in the tray and push them all in at once, would save them a tonn of time.

  2. She has more guts than I do that’s for sure. 2 incoming (mortars, fpvs?) and she barely flinches and just keeps reloading. They build them different in Ukraine

  3. Shes a smooth operator. Walking over charred enemy remains like a bad ass.

  4. Isn’t “stormtrooper” a Nazi reference?

    Reading about the Third Assault brigade, I’m starting to think the reference was not an accident.

  5. Those coward Ukrainian guys fleeing out of the war should be ‘inspired’ by this.

  6. Ukraine woman kicks ass smokes cigarettes while helping injured soldiers vs Russian woman who got her wig split by two drones

  7. “girl” put some respect on her. She ain’t a girl if she’s clearing trenches.

  8. I hope this puts to rest the notion that woman aren’t fighting in this war. So many people naysay the idea.

  9. Woman stormtrooper at minimum, but probably best to go with just Stormtrooper. What a fuckin badass.

  10. Wow. Very good job of keeping your emotions under control during a time of complete chaos.

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