Lucy Letby: Serial killer nurse found guilty of attempted murder of extremely premature baby

Lucy Letby: Serial killer nurse found guilty of attempted murder of extremely premature baby

by topotaul

  1. How did she get away with it for so long? Was there other people helping her?

  2. “However, a verdict on the allegation relating to Baby K could not be reached, and a retrial was ordered on the single count”

    Is it really in the public interest what with court time and costs to have a retrial? Shes never getting out, shes lost all her appeals

  3. No doubt the Americans will soon be here to lecture us on our justice system.

  4. God she’s so fucking pathetic, a 25 week baby is so incredibly tiny about 1lb6 and 30 cm long. I mean absolutely tiny.

    She’s evil, she’s cruel, but she’s so fucking pathetic be murdering such defenceless tiny beings. What the fuck is wrong with her

  5. Blows my mind there are still people defending her. The evidence against her has been extremely clear for an extremely long time to anyone who takes the time to examine it.

  6. We should entertain and disprove each conspiracy theory. Then they will die for anyone with an ounce of sanity.

  7. I actually know so much about this case because my college made us pick a side on the death penalty (I’m very strongly against it). Then they assigned us a case to research, I got Lucy Letby. That was a very difficult assignment to write. If there’s one person on this world who deserves to die, it is her.

  8. One of the coldest monsters ever. How has she never showed emotion in the court room? Every article repeats this.

    Out of curiosity, is this a tactic a defendant is suggested to use? I would be in absolute tears if I was actually innocent and on trial for fly tipping or a parking ticket or something, let alone murder. How does someone actually keep their cool in this situation and show zero emotion at all? Surely everybody in that room would be a bit emotional over the descriptions that would have been read out?

    I also don’t understand the conspiracies surrounding her complete innocence. The witness describing Letby as standing around doing nothing, not even sounding the alarm for help, at the very minimum is incompetence beyond belief.

  9. Letby was found guilty of this charge because Dr Jayaram testified that he walked in on Letby not intervening when a baby was deteriorating. Despite this, the deputy unit manager on the ward at the time of this incident testified during this trial that the policy on the ward at the time was to wait an see if babies improved before intervening, no matter the prematurity of the baby. On top of that, before the police were involved, Dr Jayaram was asked multiple times by the head of nursing and management for evidence of Letby’s involvement in the intentional deaths of babies at the hospital and he did not bring this incident up. This conviction doesn’t make sense.

    If you feel the need to downvote this comment, go ahead that’s your right. If you do though, I’d appreciate it if you could tell me why my argument isn’t sound.

    Edit: Downvoted yet no response to my critique. [It’s literally this meme](

  10. *Young life, too young, whose eyes are choking*

    *Can’t rest, can’t sleep, for dreams that set you falling*

    *Don’t feel the hunger, can’t drink no holy water*

    *No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all tonight*


    *When the hand that rocks the cradle*

    *Is the hand that holds the knife*

    *And the knife that cuts the cable*

    *Kills the spark that feeds the life*


    *No grave could be deep enough*

    *Down to hell if we were able*

    *The veil of life was pushed aside*

    *By the hand that rocks the cradle*


    [“The Hand That Rocks The Cradle”, by **Black Sabbath** from *Cross Purposes* [1994]](

  11. Oooft prepare everyone the Americans are coming with their collective two brain cells to tell us the twice convicted murderer is innocent.

  12. Got this breaking news as a paediatrics nurse was taking blood from my poorly son in hospital. Was awkward timing and the sheer betrayal of trust was clearer than ever in this odd setting.

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