French election results by sex, income, age, level of education

French election results by sex, income, age, level of education

by ilArmato

  1. I keep hearing that young people prefer the far-right, but polls almost always show the opposite.

  2. I kinda hate it that you can gather these stats from the votes. There’s no election secret. You couldn’t do this in Finland since votes are anonymous.

  3. What do the education levels mean? What is baccalauréat, bac+2 and bac+3? High school, undergraduate and graduate?

  4. By having a look at the satisfaction inquiry, no surprises incels always lean to the far right. /s

  5. Data collection:

    [> From a sample of 10,286 people, if the measured score is 20%, there is a 95% chance that the real value is located today between 19.2 and 20.8 (plus or minus 0.8 points).](

    Votes in France are secret / anonymous. This was a survey of 10,286 registered voters conducted June 27-28, within 2-3 days of the election. The sample population was representative of registered voters, in other words it wasn’t a survey of 10,286 university students, or 10,286 retirees. So Ipsos, the organization that conducted the survey, has a high degree of confidence that these values are within 1% of the actual result.

  6. which one is macron’s party and which one is that of that hot far right guy?

  7. Perfect voter for RN is:

    Middle-aged man, that is not satisfied with life, has very low salary, lives in a small village and has no higher education.

  8. So traditional centre-right to right party is in bad state, I’m pretty worried torries would have same result, and lose to reform.

  9. how did they picked data for this? did they asked people before they voted or what

  10. RN did a wonderful job normalizing themselves to a really wide swath of society.

  11. There is a small hope to see young people (<34 yo) don’t vote mainly for far right

  12. How do they define income? 3000€ per household as the max seems rather low or are French wages really that low?

  13. Though it’s still pitifully low, the increase in turnout for 18-25 compared to the group above them ia certainly putting a smile on my face

  14. It seems that no matter almost every demographic (age, income, etc) seems to predict centre-vs wing dispositions more than left-right disposition. The exception is life satisfaction which predicts RN/UXD.

  15. Once they get into power, guaranteed another party will spring up even more to the right. What are you lot going to call them – the far far right?

  16. So I know absolutely nothing about france or french politics but this chart means the red one is the ‘normal’ and ‘kind of good’ party?

  17. I’m not that into French politics, but I know that RN are basically fascists. But who are the NFP? Are they like competent or something? And if yes could they govern with Macron’s party?

  18. Seems like Macron was petting the small amount of younger voters in order to make it look like he is in charge and doing fine, while in fact it seems like his younger voters were more active on the surface and it made the false image of everyone being as satisfied as those young voters…

    While in fact it seems that he just overlooked the needs of majority of his people to pet the young liberals.

    Completely out of his mind… Especially considering the demographics of the country.

    These results show that he is ready to throw the country away as long as he keeps his head high… This reminds of me of the yeallow vest protests and that church that got destroyed by the fire. The protesters were wrecking everything in order to get thier lives better but they were ignored. While the church got destroyed by the fire and the second day the French rich donated 500million to rebuild it…. Fucking disgrace right to the faces of those who were struggling and fighting for the better life….

    **France’s wealthiest families have swooped in to pledge over €500 million (US$564 million) to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris**

    I bet the same people now are voting for the far right just to f*ck Macron up as much as they can….

  19. I find interesting that there is not that much difference between men and women. Usually (young) men tend to vote far right in more extreme numbers compared to young women.

  20. I know nothing about French politics but based on my knowledge of tendencies and the data presented, I assume NFP is the leftist party?

  21. so glad that at least the french youth is not far right. other european countries can‘t say the same

  22. Will Macron’s party drop out and align itself with the 2nd place leftist party in races to stop the far right I wonder?

  23. For anyone not familiar with French party name abbreviations:

    NFP: broad left-wing electoral alliance of political parties
    ENS: Macron – liberal political coalition
    LR/DVD: liberal conservative political party, largely inspired by the tradition of Gaullism
    RN/UXD: Le Pen – far-right, nationalist and right-wing populist party

  24. Populism, the easy hook for poor and stupid people who think gov is behind their poorness and stupidness.

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