Amazing what 50p will get you

Amazing what 50p will get you

by kraftymiles

  1. Back in the day when a 50p coin was twice the size and weight. Those were practically a coaster.

  2. For context, toasting 636 slices of toast in a two slice toaster in 2024 would cost about £25

  3. Today, 50p will get you approximately two units of electricity.

    So that’s one to two hours of using the oven.

  4. That said, we had a leccy meter that took 50ps in the nineties and it felt like one 50p would barely get you through to the first add break in corrie…

  5. This is what happens when you run coal, oil and gas power stations.

    As of 2017, this 50p from 1981 is today roughly £2 as per inflation.

    When we shut down all the sources of cheap electricity and replace them with costly renewable energy sources… £2 will run your tumble dryer for 3 hours.

    bEcAuSe EcO GrEEn pOLiciEs aRE gOOd

  6. Now the standing charge per day is more, let alone the electricity cost per KW/Hr.

  7. I accidentally left my oven on overnight the winter before last, and it cost me a fiver 🫠

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