Ukraine behauptet, sie habe einen Plan zum Sturz der Regierung vereitelt | CNN

Ukraine behauptet, sie habe einen Plan zum Sturz der Regierung vereitelt | CNN

  1. > They face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty.

    The relatively “light” sentencing here tells me that there was no large threat. A few guys with big plans but without the means, backing, or intelligence to cause any real harm luckily.

    But who knows, maybe it was just caught very early and could have been a big deal, whose to say. The article certainly doesn’t have a whole lot to add.

  2. Now if only the American people could thwart the overthrow of our government.

  3. I really hope this is what they say it is and not political repression. There were A LOT of reported plots on the news in Ukraine since the war began, it’s hard to know as an outsider if it’s real or an excuse to disappear political dissidents. 

  4. I bet Zelenskyy shit in his pants when saw the debate. Might as well get the government overthrown now before Trump sends troops to help Russians

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