Russian FAB-500 aerial bomb that fell yesterday on the private sector near Belgorod

Russian FAB-500 aerial bomb that fell yesterday on the private sector near Belgorod

by SpookyKIDo

  1. Oh well, meaningless death and destruction is the Russian way. It’s just another day in Russkiy Mir.

  2. Russian version of K-2S0 from rogue one “Congratulations, you are being defended! Please do not resist”

  3. There is no doubt that it was a military warehouse of the Ukrainian army 😉

  4. At least this one worked well enough that it detonated. That’s progress…

  5. Well you voted for Putin to lead you…. Just kidding, i know you didn’t vote for him!

    The hard truth is he is a dictator & as such doesn’t even have to pretend he gives a damn about you, your demolished house or your dead sons, husband, father, grandfather.

    Do you understand now why Ukraine doesn’t want to be a part of your shit show!

  6. 🤔 … Maybe this is part of the creation of a “buffer zone” that Putin was talking about! 😂

  7. Only in the Russian “military” is such incompetence allowed to continue unabated.

  8. Besides the theory that these improvised glide bombs are dropped by Orc pilots beforehand, not to get close to Ukraine anti aircraft batteries, me thinks that the Chinese glide kits that are strapped to the dumb bombs, fail to work and they drop vertically instead of cruising to their objectives.

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