Russia’s UN ambassador shoots down Trump’s claim he could end the fighting in Ukraine in a day

Russia’s UN ambassador shoots down Trump’s claim he could end the fighting in Ukraine in a day

by MaryADraper

  1. My only hope is that if trump is re-elected (which is so bad for reasons beyond Ukraine) that Trump will try to make a deal with russia, be rebuffed, and his ego can’t take it and he will double up on support for Ukraine.

    It’s a fantasy, but we all know how incoherent Trump is, and his strong man persona might just not be able to take looking weak. But yea, I think its unlikely.

  2. Isn’t Trump’s way to stop all military assistance on Ukraine and force Ukraine to accept Russia’s “peace negotiations”…? Which means to give up what Russia has robbed, and agree not to join EU/NATO or anything? All while Ukraine is at a distinct advantage? (That’s the only reason Russia would bring it up.) That’s going to be vastly advantageous to pro-invasion countries, and would promote more invasions around the world.

  3. Did anyone alert Donny? We all know that Trump’s plan would just be to tell Ukraine to surrender and stop all weapons and aid supplies.

  4. This isn’t even referencing his most recent claim (in the debate) that he would stop the fighting before he was even inaugurated. He acts like the fighting wasn’t going on during his entire presidency

  5. It’s only a matter of time that Putin will backstab Trump when he’s no longer useful to him anymore…..

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