We went on a trip to Europe 3 years ago and never left. Our kid’s life is way better here than it was in the US.

We went on a trip to Europe 3 years ago and never left. Our kid’s life is way better here than it was in the US.


by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. Weird they don’t mention how they were able to stay in Europe for more than 90 days. Where’s the right wing to denounce these ‘illegals’?

  2. More and more Americans leaving for Europe due to better quality of life.

  3. Yeah, because they are not scared to be gunned down for going to school, or being robbed by walking or utilizing public transport etc.

  4. My American wife certainly prefers Europe. She liked the salaries in the US, but once they are compared against cost of living and quality of life, it absolutely was not worth it.

    Her family are the naive American republican type too. They believe fox news when they are told they are the best and the greatest, but they’ll never know any better, sadly.

    Life in Texas was a misery, nothing could force me to move back to that absolute hellhole.

  5. I think I’ve seen several families do this, specifically with Portugal (like this family did). A lot of them have YouTube channels and a lot of times they end up moving back.

    I’m not kidding, you can Google it and see the results. Many Americans fall in love with Portugal and end up moving there, but they struggle to _stay_ there and often end up leaving. Not all (perhaps not even most?), but a lot.

  6. Why is this newsworthy? People been moving between US and Europe for centuries. The migration trend was more one-sided before now it’s more balanced perhaps. 

    US is a huge country, quality of life in Cambridge, Massachusetts vs rural Alabama vs San Diego all very different. 

  7. This is a lovely anecdote, but there are more Europeans heading to the US for opportunities than Americans heading the other way.

    Then there are the type of migrants. I imagine that many of the Americans that are heading this way are like this family that want a slower, easier life, whilst those Europeans that are heading the other way are far more ambitious and entrepreneurial.

  8. Guarenteed medical care, they say?

    Only if it’s private (and even then…). Try to be a normal portuguese citizen and go to a public hospital, and you’ll see the reality. Total shitshow 😂

    These kind of testimonies are nefarious and romanticize Portugal as the end all be all. They do not represent at all what us locals go through.

  9. Well arent you lucky, not everyone has the financial means to abandon the states. But hey the hard right is taking over there too.

  10. I left Canada 16 years ago. Now a permanent resident in Czechia. Aside from being way safer, calmer and cleaner, I’m appreciated at work (have obviously had a lot of employers in that time), I get so much more out of life. I’m now 40, wife and kid. The only time I go back is for weddings and funerals, and though I have fond memories of my youth, the infrequent visits are more than enough.

  11. The US saddens me, they built some of the best cities to rival Europe and demolished them to serve the car

  12. Europe’s immigration crisis would be an issue for me and my family. It looks out of control and worse than the United States’ handling of their own problem.

  13. Man, the part of easy home ownership in Portugal feel like a kick to the teeth…

  14. This article is a good example of why the US needs to withdraw from NATO and save that money to spend at home. The 100 billion we wasted in Ukraine proves that too. Look at the OP and his comment history, why would the US be allies with people who hate us.

  15. That’s great. I bet there’s article like that about people who emigrated from the EU to the USA.

  16. Others here are right. This isn’t news. Neither Europe or the US is a monolith. He should be comparing two different *cities* rather than a big country vs an entire continent.

  17. The article starts strong with showing that they don’t know the difference between Europe and the EU. The UK is part of Europe but not part of the EU.

  18. I’m from a country that is heavily frequented by Americans (I am also American but dual citizen). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people move here, proclaim how everything is better here, etc…

    They never last a year. They never learn the language. They never try to socialize. They never quite get used to the spontaneity (if there is one thing Americans love it’s routine). They can’t stand using public transport or living in a smaller place. They can’t handle it and eventually move back never to be seen again.

  19. I just hope they don’t live in Europe for 20+ years and still call themselves « expats », lol.

  20. > We began renting a charming Airbnb in the Portuguese countryside and extended our trip so many times that the owners asked if we wanted to buy the house.

    > Affordable home prices in rural Portugal coupled with extremely low interest rates for mortgages allowed us to say yes

    I am sure these guys are popular in their neighborhood lol

    “We are rich enough to gentrify the fuck out of some poorer place with sunny weather, and WE LOVE IT!”

    I mean, I understand, I could pull of the same in Thailand or even Taiwan and have the time of my life. But I would not preach how awesome it is to price the average Joe out of everything 🤡

  21. >It was the perfect escape since our son is homeschooled, and we have flexible work schedules as writers and composers.

    I have a feeling this process wouldn’t work for people without trust funds to burn.

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