Sarwar would rather see a Tory MP elected than an SNP victory, claims Swinney

Sarwar would rather see a Tory MP elected than an SNP victory, claims Swinney

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. I think Mr Sarwar just does as he is told to do from the Head Office, I don’t think they like the SNP stealing their thunder.

  2. Weak. Easy for Sarwar to counter that he thinks they are equally shit and leave it at that.

  3. Swinney’s out of his tiny, shiny little mind if he honestly expects Labour to help him win seats. But anyone with a brain knows he doesn’t expect that, he just wants to cry about how they’re vulnerable to the Tories in certain seats and also signal that it’s not their own fault that they are, it’s all because of Labour somehow.

  4. Scotland is a Labour versus SNP battle overall. Why should Labour do anything to help the SNP? It’s entirely reasonable for someone to have an opinion that a SNP victory would be worse than one Tory MP being elected. What is there even to see here?

  5. Sarwar would prefer to see the SNP porked, knowing that in the next Scottish election it’s going to be between the SNP and Labour and the Tories will be also-rans? Um.. yeah?

  6. Someone pull the string on John. We’ve heard this one already.

  7. How thick is this guy? If the SNP lose seats it’s to get the tories out, if the SNP win seats it’s to get the tories out. SNP are tactical fodder right now and come the next Holyrood elections they’ll be toast.

  8. Swinney asks for electoral pact from enemy, weeks too late and runs to media outraged when told no.

    Does anyone believe the pathetic and desperate attempt here was genuine?

  9. I imagine he’d be pretty keen on a Labour MP being elected in any given seat and will be working to secure that.

    I don’t remember the SNP ever doing anything to help the Labour Party.

  10. Unionist politician would rather a Unionist candidates get elected over Pro-Indy ones. Not news.

  11. This is obvious.

    The Bain Principle is the only principle Scottish Labour has and has guided all procedures relating to the SNP. Labour would always dive into hot coals rather than help the SNP they have naught but spitting venomous hatred for and blame for their loss of the safest Scottish seats.

    They would infinitely prefer the Tories, their ideological partners, in office.

  12. Spend months screeching and lying about “red Tories” to create a new boogeyman.

    Ask the new boogeyman you created for help.

    Surprised when they won’t help.

    Cry to the media.

    Who is in charge of their PR for this campaign? They seem to constantly look pathetic lately because of totally avoidable own goals.

  13. There’s a poll out this afternoon showing the SNP on as few as ten seats.

    I’m just waiting for the gymnastics medal event on how that’s not a problem, they will sail through May 2026 with the poise of Torville and Dean, how they have a stronger mandate than ever before and independence is this afternoon rather than tomorrow.

  14. This place is just weird now. It’s a bit like some orange order facebook page.

  15. So, reading the article, Stephen Flynn called on Anas Sarwar to tell voters to back the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, where Douglas Ross is standing in an attempt to tactically vote out Ross, given that there is no longer a Labour candidate for the area after he was suspended.

    It’s a cheeky and brazen move, and easy to see why Labour wouldn’t accept – but from reading the comments on this thread, I had thought the SNP had asked Labour to throw their candidate aside and endorse the SNP, rather than the situation being that there is no longer an endorsed Labour candidate.

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