made some school cake to feel like im in primary school again

made some school cake to feel like im in primary school again

by Flynn_Pingu

  1. Needs to be drowned in thick skin-laden custard for authenticity.

  2. Good job at making it last more than 5 minutes lol that looks amazing

  3. This and the same sponge cake with jam and coconut sprinkled on.
    Both amazing

  4. Well, it does look pretty good! Even better than primary school cake
    It needs to be super dry and covered in the most disgusting custard tho

  5. Chicken and bacon pies and then this for pudding.

    You certainly know what’s what and I’m fully onboard with this decision making.

  6. Quite popular in gluten free baking lately as Becky Excel made one and everybody jumped on it. Gave a load out at work and everybody absolutely loved it

  7. Oh wow please send me some 🤤

    To relive school puddings I’m going to go with the easy route and have some tinned peaches with custard.

  8. Damn, I could slam 2 or 3 of these and then go wild on [The Apparatus™](r/TheApparatus)

  9. We call this magic cake in our house. Magic because it’s so easy to make but tastes so damn good.

  10. My school used to do this with pink yogurt in the summer when it was too warm for pink custard.

  11. I made the jam and dessicated coconut version of this for my kids’ school fete one year, the adults went mad for it.

  12. They sell square pieces at a corner shop near me, it’s been a nice treat this summer.

  13. Bloody loved that at school! Especially if I could get the custard skin! (unpopular opinion: pink custard wasn’t all that good).

    Chocolate concrete or the corkflake tart – you know the one, it had a layer of jam atop a sheet of carboard-esque pastry.

    My favourite lunch was sausage, chips & beans! I had it so often that one of the cooks would save me a couple of sausages if they were going quick.

  14. I work at a school, can confirm, had very similar looking cake for lunch today.

  15. You’ve got to say, that’s a thoroughly accurate recreation of the primary school dining experience. Just needs some spam fritters and pasta shells with grated cheddar on for the main course.

  16. I am a primary school teacher and I won’t lie, part of the reason I love my job so much is daily pudding like this

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