Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands leaves office after 13 years.

Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands leaves office after 13 years.

by NinjaElectricMeteor

  1. As a Dutch guy I have to say, this is the most Dutch thing I’ve ever seen. The doei at the end just hammers the nail on the head

  2. Title almost sounds like he never left the office once elected! Just barricaded himself in there for 13 years, not seeing daylight.

  3. Clearly a big theater the way his bike is parked right in front of the exit, but I guess he deserves a bit of theater after 13 years

  4. Why was he in there for 13 years? Like does he have a shower and a bed there too, or did he just sleep on his chair and bathe with dasani bottles?

  5. I love that! No big limo and all of this shit to show off, just a guy on his bike

  6. We take this for granted but actually peaceful transition of power in a country, with the outgoing people continue living just like everybody else – it’s just beautiful and so civilised. Love it every time!

  7. Damn 13 years without leaving the office. He must be needing some urgent Vitamin D.

  8. As a Copenhagen bike-commuter, i love this, but also hate the fact that he is not wearing a helmet, even just to encourage others to do so

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