‘NEETS’ and ‘new unemployables’ — why some young adults aren’t working

‘NEETS’ and ‘new unemployables’ — why some young adults aren’t working


by lurker_bee

  1. So NEETs got noticed because there were a bunch of ’em in Japan.

    The reason for that was culture. In general your family won’t kick you out just because you’re mentally ill. In America at least we make those people homeless, then we lock them up in jail.

    I’ve got a buddy I grew up with that has severe anxiety issues, among other problems. He can’t hold down a “normal” job, e.g. a high stress environment where you’re expected to be 100% productive 8-10 hours a day. Sooner or later he cracks.

    He eventually found a cushy part time gig driving a school bus, but even that took a while. Regular school bus driving is like everything surprisingly annoying. Your routes are over extended and you have to speed (illegally) to make your spots.

    He’s been taken care of by his mom for ages since the kind of jobs he can hold down don’t pay enough to live.

    There are hundreds of thousands like him. People with mild forms of mental illness that aren’t productive enough to be giving housing and food unless a family member gives it to them.

    But if you just meet them on the street they don’t seem that way.

    They learn to hide it of course. Nobody wants to hang around the unproductive & mentally ill because we’re all struggling to survive. Nobody wants to risk being dragged down…

    Meanwhile we have this shit article showing a bunch of happy young people on a beach. I can tell you right now my buddy doesn’t have enough money to get *near* a beach. That shit costs money. He sits in his room playing video games and trying not to have a panic attack.

  2. Parents are just simply way more permissive than they used to be.

    Not only is it “okay” to stay home until you’re like 30 now for even high earning professionals, but parents used ti basically imply you had to be doing *something* to earn your keep after the age of idk 19 or so?

    Having a failson was deeply embarrassing. 

    It’s really much more social than economic because it truly is not hard to find a job of some kind 

  3. Working is straight up immoral.

    We are destroying this planet and should be doing shrooms with hospice patients instead.

  4. Work is getting less rewarding at the same time it is getting more demanding. Of course more people will opt out.

    The best solution to this is UBI. Both to make it easier to develop relevant skills, and so your peers can reward you when making relevant contributions.

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