Dog attack on police officer

Dog attack on police officer

Dog attack on police officer
byu/Hot-Salamander6520 innorthernireland

by Hot-Salamander6520

  1. Luckily, she has a good pair of boots!

    These dogs need to be gotten rid of completely. So dangerous!

  2. Good thing it wasn’t a kid at the end of that bite.

    Pulling the tail will do fuck all, need to pull them up by their back legs or just choke them out.

  3. Hes fucking useless with that baton. Why is he not beating the fuck out of it.

  4. The guards shot a dog in similar circumstances last month.

    You shouldn’t be allowed any dog you can’t control. Nobody should be allowed a dog like this.

  5. If she is unable to control the dog, then she shouldn’t be allowed to own it.

  6. With all the action at the end you almost forget to appreciate the smooth as fuck exit scooter dude made 😅 no panic in him just calmly got on the bike and got the fuck outta there 😂


    I’d even add to this that the fact he didn’t hang about to rubber neck implies he was guilty of something

  7. Jesus Christ I was gonna sarcastically post “he’s never done that before” but she actually said “he would never do that”. She also manages to blame the cops – “I told youse not to come in” so that’s a version “it’s your fault”.

    Guaranteed after the video she says he’s an angel / great with kids for the hat-trick of irresponsible dog owner bullshit bingo.

  8. That male cop was absolutely useless. That baton should have been used to pry the jaws open.

    In saying that what an completely irresponsible owner. Had zero control of dog or idea what to do. Not even a collar on dog to get a hold of it. Thankfully it wasn’t a child.

  9. I pet my dog harder than she was fucking hitting it with that stick 🤣🤣

  10. There needs to be a some kind of handling test for people wanting big dogs. I remember my 6’ 18 stone Glaswegian granda having to plant his feet and wrap the chain around his hand a few times when dogs left wandering started barking at his Doberman. That thing would have pulled her round like a cartoon sketch.

  11. The fella that entered that house at the start certainly didn’t re-appear at any point. If it was his dog he should be held accountable

  12. You can just imagine the raking the male officer is going to get at the station.

  13. Good to see the owner saying the usual never done anything like this before.

    Suppose it’s better this than hanging of a child’s neck.

    No doubt people would have been upset if the police shot it, no win and surprised police showed so much restraint though prob down to incompetence more than anything

  14. Bravery medal for the constable with the baton there.
    Never seen anything so limp wristed

  15. That girl had no mastery over that animal at all. Plain as day with her body language, the hesitancy and fear in really grabbing a hold of it in trying to get it off the peeler.

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