The saddest excuse of a sausage supper I’ve ever seen

The saddest excuse of a sausage supper I’ve ever seen

by Stephen501

  1. That’s a sad sight. Rub the chips together, and you might be able to start a fire. I also like a wee bit more batter on my sausage than that.

  2. That’s possibly the worst sausage supper I’ve ever seen. Looks like they slapped dug shite on dry chips.

  3. Jesus sure that’s not an under 5’s special supper? Did you get a fruit shoot with it?

  4. I love living in Scotland, but every time I’ve had a chippy it’s been utterly disappointing.
    That one looks particularly terrible though.

  5. I never get this. They are made of the absolutely shittest offcuts of meat, often from a dodgy wholesaler. Then the chips, that’s just potatoes – like the cheapest vegetable, both deep fried within an inch of it’s life.

    It’s madness I say!

  6. You might be able to make huts out of turds but that don’t mean u can make sausages out them

  7. Mate I went to the local chippie and asked for a hot dog (a menu item just to clarify). They gave me a bun with a Richmond sausage in it. Never again.

  8. Anytime I see Scottish fast food I think it’s a heart attack in food form

  9. if I wanted to be disappointed by sausage I’d spend the night on Grindr

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