Ukrainian drone drops munition on Russian soldiers donetsk region

Ukrainian drone drops munition on Russian soldiers donetsk region

by SpookyKIDo

  1. I hate watching these videos, but I’m going to continue as long as they’re being made to remind myself how fortunate I am that I live in peace. Every time I see these I’m grateful that I was never deployed to a meatgrinder like Ukraine.

  2. This is beyond scary. Especially when you don’t realize who’s drone is who’s on the battlefield. This sucks!

  3. Needs, ‘Kill’, ‘head-shot’, multi-kill’, ‘mega-kill’…👍

  4. Isnt it better to let a very injured soldier live because its more expensive for Russia? I know they send injured soldiers back and dont care for their wounded but surgery is expensive. And a no leg Russian to live drunken for the rest of his life is no fun for orc society.

  5. Despite the satisfaction of seeing these occupants going to hell, I still think it would be better to.overcrowd the ruzzian healthcare system. It drains resources, costs money, and affects morale. Corpses are a whole different thing, these ruzzians will just find another guy to send to the meat grinder.

  6. These drone pilots have really honed their skillsets. They set at a known altitude, judge the conditions to apply Kentucky windage and time the drops so the orcs are just at them or between groups. So all the hoopla about kids spending too much time on playing video games is coming to fruition.

  7. Really pleasant to watch the little orcs squirm and die. I wish the drone operators more good kills and long and happy life!

  8. So many things I cannot understand about people, and willingly going to die most painful death is the most un-understandable to me.

  9. Not trying to be polemic, but why do that to already wounded soldiers?

  10. Crazy that these videos are glorified on here. These dudes probably don’t even want to go to war.

  11. Fock sake man what has those motorbikes ever done to you lol.fock you russia and fock you puttler

  12. I just dont get one thing…. They (russians) all know that they are gonna die sooner or later on Ukraine land… why they just dont gather a larger group and go storm putins hideout and kill that fuckee?? Like literally end the war and whole world would be thankful for them who would do it

  13. That first dude looks like he had time to regret some things. Grim… But you know…

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