Meta Faces Potential $13.4 Billion Fine From the EU – Following Apple, Meta is the second company charged with violating the DMA.

Meta Faces Potential $13.4 Billion Fine From the EU – Following Apple, Meta is the second company charged with violating the DMA.

by ByGollie

  1. Good. Unless these mega-corporations face significant financial repercussions, they’ll never change their practises. Few hundred million fine? Just write it off as an extra expense of entering European market.

  2. They are used to no oversight or public accountability back home, so EU needs to show some force

  3. <insert generic anti-capitalist anti-american stance unrelated to the article>

    <uga buga EU strong!!>

  4. I like how the same politicians who were pushing full steam ahead with a plan to literally scan all online messages in Europe are now extremely concerned that companies might use your data for targeted advertisements, because *that* would be a violation of privacy 🙄

  5. More extortion from the EU. Now demanding free plans. As is the case with Apple, it seems the people there are addicted and can’t say no to the products and services on their own. 

  6. Good. Only the EU tries to protect its citizens. The only thing that I don’t like is that the investigation takes 12 months. Give Meta couple of weeks to meet the requirements and then charge them.

  7. Just curious, say Meta pays $13.4B to them, where does that money then go and how does it get distributed? If anyone knows the ins and outs of this stuff a brief explanation is greatly appreciated.

  8. Free market means they are free to block EU countries. Not really a loss for Europeans.

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