Soldiers of the Kayfariki Group captured a 53-year-old Russian contract soldier while clearing a position. Somewhere in the Donbas, Published on July 2, 2024

This group is made up of hooligans who decided to fight against the Russians, they are spread across several units

by Hotrico

  1. The POW was lucky that grenade just sailed right on through that little cubby instead of falling down the staircase.

    Tried to see if I could recognize any voices from that one recent documentary on these guys but I don’t think I did (could be I’m just shit at that, listening in a foreign language though).

  2. damn the trust with that nade chuck to not fuckup and bounce back. bro yeeted that from miles away into a door with his buddy right next to it 😀

  3. This was probably a nice rural home once, set amongst the fields, what a fkd up war.

  4. Got a tattoo design from these dudes haha. Met some of them when I was out East.

  5. >hooligans

    What does this mean in this context?

    (Here, a “hooligan” is a mildly-violent football supporter…?)

  6. 0:08: Cover, cover

    0:10: Grenade. Bitch. Get back

    0:22 We will **not** fucking kill you. Are you fucking nuts, nakhui? Give up.

    0:27 [indistinguishable]

    0:34 [indistinguishable] [It sounds kind of like “I’m surrounded nakhui” but it’s hard to tell]

    0:36 Guys, where are you from?

    – We?

    – Yes

    – Where did you come to? [sarcastically]

    0:42: Ok. Hands up. Hands up. Go here. Go, go. We will not kill you, blya, man. Come on, we will not, we will not. Come on. We are not shooting.

    – 0:58 [indistinguishable] [It sounds kind of like “The old man is 65 years old. They bring me here”]

    – Come on, blya. We will not[kill you]. Blya, man. WTF did you come here for?

    – Are you wounded?

    – Yeah. I was wounded just recently

    – Ok. Remove…

    – Where to run?

    – I will escort him.

    – Take him

    – I’m taking him with me.

    – Come on man, let’s ho. WTF did you came here for? We are young boys protecting our land

    – [indistinguishable]

    2:58: What is here?

    – Plus. Everything ok?

    – No, no. No need to waste a grenade.

    3:12: [indistinguishable]

    – Yes. I took radio and AK. So, Look. Secure this position.

    – Secure this position?

    – Yes. We will secure that house.

    – Look. Look we will do this. You will secure this position. You will deal with this shit. Try to deal with this shit.

    – Look. The house with a well. From here…. [end of video]

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