I was recently at a British Army base during a camp and came across these messages in the lockers in my barracks. I hope the people who wrote them are alive and well! Could anyone translate, please?

I was recently at a British Army base during a camp and came across these messages in the lockers in my barracks. I hope the people who wrote them are alive and well! Could anyone translate, please?

by covert-teacher

  1. First one is call sign Joker – from Mykoliav

    Second – Glory to Ukraine, Eternal Memory for those that have been killed/passed…can’t make out the last word

  2. Joker from Mykolaiv, I hope you are giving those occupant bastards hell.

  3. I only know a couple Ukrainian phrases, but I believe “UR UGLY” means you are ugly, OP. Hope that helps.

  4. Not great at Ukrainian but I’m almost sure picture one says “Wagner loves the cock”

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