Pride bus back on all routes after threat

Pride bus back on all routes after threat

by tyw7

  1. I thought Pride Month was June? Is that bus signage all year round then?

    Edit..Seems it is all year from the article.

  2. Are the transphobes and right wingers that sensative about the lgbt and trans rights that they are getting triggered over a rainbow coloured bus?
    It sounds dope to be on a rainbow coloured bus.

  3. Instead of swapping the gay bus for a straight bus, they should have withdrawn the route altogether.

    In places where there’s been a high level of anti social behaviour, bus operators have been known to impose diversions avoiding the area, unfortunately it does have an impact on the normal people there who do need it but a pretty strong message is conveyed and people usually buck their ideas up to get the bus back local.

    Withdrawing the route altogether would have been a pretty powerful move.

  4. Never give into these threats. I know it is risky, however people like this use fear as a weapon and should not be allowed to do so. That is how they win otherwise.

  5. A multinational corporation called Mobico Group, formerly National Express Group, wants some free positive publicity so has painted a bus in rainbow colours to signify the alleged wonderfulness of same sex relations, not because it cares about this issue but because it’s a cheap and easy way to look hip and groovy, so that people will like it and forget that it’s a multinational corporation that exists to make money and for no other reason.

  6. I would paint all the buses with a rainbow flag and tell the homophobes to walk if they don’t like it.

  7. What is the purpose of a pride bus? What does it mean?? I use the bus to change my physical location, why is pride anything to do with it?

  8. Nothing like screwing the entire public over because you’re a freak that can’t accept other people exist that aren’t your duplicate in everything.


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