76-year old retired Greek farmer “doesn’t know why” she was elected as a MEP; she only volunteered as a candidate as a favour to her daughter

76-year old retired Greek farmer “doesn’t know why” she was elected as a MEP; she only volunteered as a candidate as a favour to her daughter


by Juggertrout

  1. Her party is far-right, pro-russian and ultranationalist btw. She definitely knew what she was doing.

  2. > To this day, Alexandraki still doesn’t know why 51,465 voters chose her. The only theory she has is that it’s because her name was first on the ballot, which was in alphabetical order. Even other candidates running with Greek Solution in northern Greece had never heard of her. “Several people who voted for me told me they also voted for Alexandraki, only because she is a woman or because her name was first,” one of these candidates told Kathimerini laughing. 

    You can’t make this stuff up. People vote for randoms and then wonder why are the politicians in their country so bad.

  3. Probably she going to do better than the average politician.

    I sometimes wondered if people should be called at random to serve, like some social duty.

  4. Better her than some rich, shady, lobbyist who will only go after his interests

  5. It’s good that she will have a good salary and a very, very good retirement that she will take advantage of quickly.

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