Some people on this sub…

Some people on this sub…

by deeznutsdontbite

  1. I’m not at home, can somebody make an image of Marge Simpson holding up a picture of the Holocaust and saying “I just think it’s neat” for me?

  2. I guarantee you this guy didn’t do his Värnplikt(conscription).

    Nobody in the military would talk like this. This guy was too fat and redacted, sitting at home reading 4chan.

  3. Well he’s talking bollocks, the SS weren’t respected by enemy combatants, they were often executed pretty quickly where as the average Wehrmacht conscript was treated with respect and taken prisoner. The SS didn’t only use force when ordered, they were known to be ruthless and overzealous, committing many war crimes and atrocities throughout the war. Despite the waffen SS having* a parachute Batalion, they failed spectacularly when attempting an airborne mission (Operation Rosselsprung) and were never deployed in an airborne capacity again.

    The SS were the true Nazi soldiers who truly believed the ideology. I saw an interview recently from a d day vet saying they only felt bad for the Wehrmacht, but didn’t care at all about killing SS.

    Edit: corrected. Waffen SS had a parachute battalion.

  4. I’m not surprised he’s from swedistan, no sun and cold make those people develop weird fantasies

  5. Thanks a lot, didn’t really want to hear about Mohammed’s fetishes…

  6. aren’t Arabs and Latinos one of the most ardent supporters of white supremacy groups?

  7. Does Sweden have a radicalisation hotline for this type as well? 👀

    Dude needs to be on a watchlist, yesterday

  8. Wait a fucking minute – the whole hyper nationalistic shit here is supposed to be a joke. Who let this asshole in?

  9. You have to admit, their drip goes hard, gotta thanks Hugo Boss for that

  10. Maybe he is the same Swede that fantasised over the Reich importing Aryan twinks from Sweden.

    I wish I could forget this post.😓

  11. You answered to him quite respectfully Hans, I think that was really good mannered from your part, I’d have been less respectful.

    Hope you reminded him to take his pills and shower.

  12. Leave the name in next time, nazis need to face the consequences of their beliefs

  13. I felt lame for blocking a bunch of people on here but since I have I’ve been able to avoid total regards like this

  14. The discipline to use force only when ordered? The SS?

    Christ alive, these people.

  15. I have to admit, historically those crisp, clean aryan uniforms really did brighten up the streetscapes of Europe, especially when hanging from a lamppost with their god-chosen bearers still in them☺️

  16. what the hell did I just read.. we are supposed to be joking, not flat out sympathising with nazis💀

  17. This guy is gay, I don’t know how to explain it, but his comment spread gay vibe

  18. Listen I like 20th century history as much as the next guy, and the world wars are highly interesting topics, especially the military history. But everybody knows the SS weren’t some elite unit, just fanatic nutjobs that eventually turned into a last ditch effort branch that admitted anyone by the end of the war. The SS were nazi fanatics, is what I’m saying, and should in no way be admired. By all means, praise the equipment, military technology is always an interesting topic, but circlejerking over the Waffen SS is just the highest form of ignorance there could be

    Edit: lord, I should proofread my messages more often

  19. Can the mods find this dude and ban him? While we may allow Swedes on this sub (for some reason) r/2westerneurope4u is no place for vile nazism or fascism.

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