Pentagon: USA kündigen Waffenpaket für die Ukraine im Wert von über 2,3 Milliarden Dollar an

Pentagon: USA kündigen Waffenpaket für die Ukraine im Wert von über 2,3 Milliarden Dollar an

  1. Some people just don’t understand how arms packages work.
    Think of it like this: I have some extra food in my fridge that is getting old. If I know of someone in need, I can give it to them or I can throw it away when it’s no longer good. My cost (other than opportunity cost) is minimal.
    The cost of keeping and destroying old arms is significant. Might as well give it to someone in need.

  2. I hope the US continues to send a lot of old weapons over the next few months, because if Trump wins, he’ll do what his daddy Putin tells him to and immediately cut all that off.

    It amazes me that people can be fooled into thinking Trump is a “strong man” when he’s obviously a huge bitch as far as Putin is concerned. Kompromat works, I guess.

  3. Country that’s about to ban leftism gives more money to country that’s already done that.

  4. Yeah why not just send them another 10 billion just for shits and gigs

  5. The Republican Russia lovers like Moscow Marjorie and Moscow Mitch must be freaking out!

  6. I love how the left is now pro war. Saying it’s good for our economy and parroting the “it’s just sitting in the shelf” line given to them.

  7. This is great news for Ukrainians …but let’s not forget the soldiers who died waiting for these weapons while Trump and the republican party delayed these deployments.

  8. Money is a measurement tool, much of this will probably be defunct equipment like the other packages, and not actual cash

  9. Rich people tricking poor people into thinking fighting for Democracy doesn’t matter or if we stop fighting in Ukraine their lives will improve has been a running falicy since the civil war .

  10. Get all you can out to Ukraine, because come next year, Putin’s president is going to shut the pipeline down.

  11. I love how you Libs are justifying war now. What could be more against humanity than war? I truly have no idea what has happened to this world.

  12. This is the amount that was missing, for Ukraine to start winning.
    It’s just a question of time now, I’m sure they will kick the Russians out of Ukraine now.
    I’m not betting on it, but I’m sure it’s as true as CNN and other western media presents it.

  13. I assume these are going to the recently enlisted convicts.

    Making the world a better place

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