I DARE YOU, SWAMP-MOFFE! You better win this

I DARE YOU, SWAMP-MOFFE! You better win this

by Informal_Mountain513

  1. Turkey will make history, beat germany and celebrate like crazy in Berlin

    Edit : each downvote will bring us closer to this dire prediction…

  2. Who do people stand behind if the semi turns out to be Barry vs the barbarian horde?

  3. Bro’s basically fighting against more German blooded nation after every win, so Germany will be the final boss (final(

  4. I sure hope so, i live in probably the most Turk-dense neighborhood in the Netherlands and i just want to sleep ffs. Tonight is going to be a long night 🚙🚗📯📯🤡

  5. Thankfully, we have a new government installed that will be giving out one-way tickets to the lovely Turkish immigrant honking fans living in the urban areas in case Turkey wins from us.

  6. What’s up with 2024?! First I hoped Joost would win Eurovision, now I hope you lot beat the Muslim Greeks. Never thought I’d be supporting Kees

  7. Looks like Austria wasn’t Western enough. Nevertheless this journey ends now for the Turkmen.

  8. Yeah we are in danger Euro bros. I don’t trust either us or Ingerland to finish the job.

  9. The gods are really testing me, being forced to support the Dutch is a thing that would make crumble even the most faithful.

  10. Going against the grain here but in Den Bosch the turks are just dancing and partying in front of the train station. When I biked passed it was a good vibe. Glad I don’t live in the randstad.

    The match Saturday is going to be one full of emotion and passion, which is exactly what I want.

  11. For our own safety, I hope they beat us..

    Edit: not actually, fuckem!

  12. Dutchies are based af.

    Chocomel, aggressive bikers, EDM, Don Diablo, gay rights, direct, colonize the North Sea, weed, the language, „Leiden“ (which is German for „suffering).

    Please just win this goddamn game.

  13. That’ll be the day of civil war here no matter the outcome. Pray for us😔🙏.

  14. Türkiye strong, will avenge their Romanian friends!!

  15. Ready to drive through Neuköln with a rented Miles car waving the dutch flag after winning. If we go up Karl Marx Strasse, go down Sonnenallee we might have half a car left then, the non burning part.

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