“I would ask Ukrainians not to dabble. It is very dangerous,” Lukashenko said that Belarus was moving special troops to the border with Ukraine

“I would ask Ukrainians not to dabble. It is very dangerous,” Lukashenko said that Belarus was moving special troops to the border with Ukraine

“I would ask Ukrainians not to dabble. It is very dangerous,” Lukashenko said that Belarus was moving special troops to the border with Ukraine

by ua-stena

  1. >Lukashenko said that Belarus was moving special troops to the border with Ukraine

    You misspelled cannon fodder.

  2. Is it those mother fuckers who were doing human pyramids , or whatever dumb shit they thought looked impressive; instead it looked like a clown show at the local circus.

  3. If lukashenka did something stupid like use his troops to attack ukraine, would Poland be allowed ‘off leash’ to defend Ukraine?

  4. Seems Putin is pressing his puppet, Lukashenko, into having Belarus join the war.

  5. Are those “special troops” the ones who do those party tricks like breaking boards and going shirtless?😀

  6. Remember when Russia invaded Ukraine via Belarus? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

  7. Ukraine is a Veteran at war nation state. Strange I just felt good saying that.

  8. It’s funny because they can neither military, nor Cirque du Soleil.  

    Contextually, I think he means that it is very dangerous [for him] to dabble. 

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