Austria, we need to talk

Austria, we need to talk

by ir_blues

  1. We’re being punished right now with being denied sleep at least, so there’s a little bit of justice for you

  2. Losing the first game after most people started believing in them is the most Austrian thing ever.

  3. Schnitzel Germans failed, its now up to the Swamp Germans. And beyond that our mountain/ gold collector German friends. If they win from Barry 63, that is. If not I would even support Barry against the Turks…

    But a lot is riding on the Prime Germans to knock out the siesta tribe. Only sure positive of this round is that either Fr*nce or the last Balkan country gets removed.

  4. If only you had Southgate, you would have made 50 substitutions in the last 30 seconds and won 8-2

  5. Not good at football, not that good at painting..maybe your job counselor can propose some other alternative job avenues.

  6. Sad to see… only western Europe country to lose…

    And to the Ottomans…ffs

  7. I’m not in the mood to talk right now. Plus it’s way to loud over here 😩

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