Russland hat in einem Monat in der Südukraine etwa 60 Schiffe verloren – Ukrainische Marine

Russland hat in einem Monat in der Südukraine etwa 60 Schiffe verloren – Ukrainische Marine

  1. The world believed Russian navy as formidable but now exposed as incompetent, unreliable, and can’t protect themselves = Total waste of money.

  2. Help! Forbes, usually decent reporting news sucks on the illegal invasion. Day 2 example (Day 1 was the same. Russia does extensive damage blah, blah, blah)

    They are quickly reporting Moscow news and NOT vetting with Ukraine military and it appears, not even NATO public relations.

    UAF did state Russian missile did hit their base but the story was waaaaaay over blown and the damage was not as bad as Russia blew from their trumpets.

    Forbes is not vetting Moscow news. I realize it’s a financial fishwrap but pushback needs to be put on western media who “don’t want Russia destroyed by NATO”. NATO begged Russia not to invade. The other ‘Big Lie” is that NATO pushed Russia into a corner after USSR collapse. Seriously, even the most prudent and judicious of people have said this publicly. But Forbes is highly recognized publication.

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