Losses of the Russian military to 3.7.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 3.7.2024


  1. 15 000 liquidated artillery will probably be reached next week, at this rate 20 000 vehicles and fueld tanks mark will be hit by this weekend. Slava Ukraini!

  2. what a fantastic day again. Those Russians have to shit their pants. having such losses day after day and then having such a hard time.

  3. Here’s hoping that the high rate of artillery kills means that all of Moscow’s remaining big guns are antiquated, worn out scrap, and some Russian general is trying desperately to shovel enough material forward to keep himself from taking a window dive, ignoring long-term strategy in favor of ‘maintaining the offensive’ at all costs for his own sake. And even more hoping that pretty soon Moscow finds itself without enough artillery to cover all their minefields!

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