Is political betting illegal?

Is political betting illegal?

is it illegal for politicians to bet on the election a number of conservative candidates party officials and police officers are being investigated for allegedly placing bets on when the general election would be a labor candidate has also been suspended for betting that he would lose the seat he’s fighting but is this against the law and could anyone go to prison well it depends whether they used inside information that’s when a person knows something that’s not known to the public for example if someone knew knew that the election was going to be held on a certain date because of their job it’s a criminal offense to cheat at gambling or to help another person to cheat and you can serve up to 2 years in prison for it but we don’t know yet whether any of the people under investigation actually broke the law

Is it illegal for politicians to bet on the election?

  1. Stupid question… if one has inside information, or can impact an outcome, then it's fraud.

    It's no different to a footballer betting on him/herself getting a yellow card in the first 10 minutes of a match… Or betting on a teammate who's conspired with one for the same purpose.

  2. Well, betting against oneself is like an insurance policy, if you win the election congratulations, you got the job, if you loose the election, a nice consolation prize.

  3. Imagine a teacher betting on whether her students pass or fail. When you have a possibility to affect the outcome that would be considered as insider trading.

  4. Is match fixing in politics illegal? I feel like it should be illegal to destroy the country so you can win a bet, but I can imagine Tories trying it.

  5. Nothing is illegal because there's no accountability in politics . How many have gone to prison ever or banned for lieing even mass murder . They're all criminal's.

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