New Zealand turns to the right | The populist National-led government is undoing many of Jacinda Ardern’s progressive initiatives, including environmental protections.

New Zealand turns to the right | The populist National-led government is undoing many of Jacinda Ardern’s progressive initiatives, including environmental protections.

by silence7

1 comment
  1. what the everlasting F**K is happening to humanity?

    at a moment of civilisational crisis — when climate chaos is likely to overwhelm entire nations, tank economies and displace hordes of hungry/thirsty refugees — rather than pull together to cushion the blow, help each other, or put the brakes on our exacerbation of the problem, what do we see? oligarchs leveraging their obscene wealth to mobilise armies of right-wing activists to take over one country after another, gutting environmental and climate regulations, slashing taxes to ensure even more wealth concentration, setting the fossil industry free to drill and pollute and burn ad lib, criminalising protest…

    who the hell read *Dune* and thought Giedi Prime was a great future?

    [still reeling here from SCOTUS overturning Chevron 1984 *and* conferring king-like immunity from the law to US Presidents, all in the span of a week or so]

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