Putin ally Lukashenko labels Ukraine “enemy”, puts Belarusian troops on alert

Putin ally Lukashenko labels Ukraine “enemy”, puts Belarusian troops on alert

by batmaninwonderland

  1. Between a rock and a hard place with nobody to blame but himself.

    He knows what it means for Belarus and him.

  2. Putin is getting more and more desparate. They are drawing more and more people into the fray. It is time for Europe to stand up to what is right in Europe.

  3. That border is locked and loaded with mines and swamps and fortifications and his troops have not been fighting with Ukraine for over 2 years. It would be a slaughter the only plus is Ukraine might be able to quickly capture those Russian nukes stored near the border and immediatelhy become a nuclear armed country.

  4. Personally, I wish he would do something stupid, try it, give the west a justification to put troops at his border, INSIDE Ukraine.


  5. I don’t understand why Belarus was not hit with the same restrictions like russia. On them they would be even more effective.

  6. Just Lukashenko has felt betrayed since Putin found himself a new lover in North Korea. So like any good dog he is trying to get his master’s attention again.

  7. Weirdly enough, I think the easiest way to Moscow is through Belarus.
    Just saying.

  8. I remember reading one time that Lukashenko will always be hesitant to send his Belarusian troops to fight in Ukraine because he needs his troops to defend against Russia if Russia were to ever stab Belarus in the back and invade, is there any truth to this?

  9. Is Luka missing something. He allowed Russia to use his country as a staging point to attack Ukraine. Surely, Ukraine was an enemy from the beginning of the war, for him to allow Russia to attack.

  10. So Putins puppet labels Ukraine as an enemy. I am shocked.

    Shocked I tell you.

    Edit: In a few days Putin threaten with nuclear attack? I am shocked.

    Shocked I tell you.

  11. Serious question: how loyal are the belarussian troops? Would they really cross the border?ย 

  12. Putting his forces on alert is a great idea,get them thinking about dying in a hole in a miserable war they dont belong in.

    Then when ordered, they can either revolt or surrender en masse

  13. I love the way this big fat windbag says that “Ukraine is trying to drag Belarus into the WAR”. That is after he has done innumerable things to cause Ukraine to declare war on Belarus. The only reason Ukraine hasn’t done that is they don’t need a huge addition to their “active” Front. And the only reason this fat piece of shit hasn’t joined his Lord and Master, Vlad Putin in his outrageous war of aggression is that the Belarusian army is NOT up to it. They might even refuse to fight or they might even turn on him, and he knows it.

  14. I seriously doubt he will join the war, at least not until his chance of surviving are lower in than out.

  15. Do it piggy boi. Do it. Your circus clown salvation army will get some.๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  16. Europe needs to grow a set of nuts and fight back. Russia is a terrorist state and needs to be flattened

  17. I wonder if Poland and Lithuania have a quiet treaty with Ukraine that if Belarus becomes a belligerent, they take out Lukashenko and his cronies and shut Belarus down from Russia.

  18. Aha! So he fat wannabe colonel is about to get his young lads slaughtered. Hope they have the sense to run to Poland…….

  19. Lukashenko canโ€™t send troops in any meaningful numbers because it would threaten his position in power. Belarusian troops are needed to suppress and control the Belarusian population. If the military is deployed and destroyed in Ukraine, violent uprisings will be extremely likely. Lukashenko knows this so this is all posturing.

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