Ukraine receives nearly 6,000 solar panels to power hospitals

Ukraine receives nearly 6,000 solar panels to power hospitals

by AdSpecialist6598

1 comment
  1. Better than nothing but lets get real, it’s nowhere near enough for UKR’s energy needs, especially for industry and large scale usage.

    Scaling them up would require substations and battery farms, which TerroRuZZia will definitely try to bomb.

    I think Ukraine’s best bet is still Nuclear, because RuZZia cannot bomb it, unless they want NATO to join the war.

    Fast track more mid-small size Nuclear stations, Europe could donate some mini reactors.

    But you still need substations for grid stabilization, though they are much easier to replace/repair if bombed. Plus its possible to build underground Subs, like how Finland did it.

    Summary: Mid-small size nuke stations + underground subs = stable power for UKR.

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