Mark Rutte (new Secretary General of NATO) opens the Nord Stream pipeline together with François Fillon, Angela Merkel, Dmitry Medvedev, and Günther Oettinger (November 8, 2011 in Lubmin, Germany)

Mark Rutte (new Secretary General of NATO) opens the Nord Stream pipeline together with François Fillon, Angela Merkel, Dmitry Medvedev, and Günther Oettinger (November 8, 2011 in Lubmin, Germany)

by maurgottlieb

  1. Three years after Russia’s attack Georgia. Three years before Russia’s attack Ukraine

  2. It makes you question the requirement of higher education for such a job/carrer whenever you see such pictures in hindsight

  3. Back when energy prices could support the economy and the country wasn’t deindustrializing at this rate.

  4. Having spent astronomical amounts of money supporting Ukraine and buying US oil and gas, a lot of industry has also moved out of Europe and gone most to the US.

  5. Germany blocked other candidates because they felt they were too “anti- Russian”.

    Excuse me while I roll up in shame and die.

  6. This is a clear demonstration of how insidious ruzzia has been all those years, deceiving the whole world and freely spreading their propaganda and lies upon everybody while creating conflicts around their borders.

  7. Now without cheap russian energy we have a cost of living crisis and Europe deindustrializing so fast that key German industry such as Porsche is relocating to the USA. GG EU.

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