Assisted dying: Mum admits helping end life of terminally ill son

Assisted dying: Mum admits helping end life of terminally ill son

by Tartan_Samurai

  1. What a tragic story, I can’t imagine the emotional pain this mother has carried with her the last four decades. 

  2. Yeah that’s not a story to read on the train at this time of the morning

  3. Should be legal. We give animals the dignity and respect of a painless death, why not for our friends and family when they want to go?

  4. I would absolutely be all for assisted suicide/dying if it was for terminally I’ll people or people with diseases that mean they have no quality of life.

    I work with people with dementia and I can tell you from seeing it first hand, it’s an awful disease and it’s robs you of your own self. It is no way to live, and a lot of our residents are bed bound, can’t talk, can’t even move and are basically just being kept alive with medication and being fed by another person. It is no way to live and i hope by the time I’m that age, if I get dementia, assisted suicide is legal. I wouldn’t want to live the way I see some of our residents living.

  5. I think until you witness it first hand you can’t really imagine the pain some people have to suffer before dying and how long some bodies can go on for. You believe they will be made “comfortable” with pain relief but they aren’t. And you just have to watch as the person you love, who hasn’t eaten in a month and is thinner than you believed a person could get, is withering in pain and is (somehow) constantly vomiting until they finally go comatose and die.

    And I haven’t had to go through this with a child like this poor woman did.

  6. My sister and I had to put our cat to sleep last week and it was so painless and easy that it made me furious all over again that a few years ago we had to watch our mother slowly deteriorate and die over the course of a month.

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