Amsterdam overtourism: City moves to ban cruise ships

Amsterdam overtourism: City moves to ban cruise ships

by guyoffthegrid

  1. Headline is pretty bad imo. The city wont be banning cruises (unfortunately). Capacity has been limited to one out of 2 docks for the past years.

    Currently capacity is 160 cruises a year, from 2026 it will be limited to 100 with rotterdam taking over about 40 cruises.

    In the mear future docked ships will have to use electricity from the city insyead of running their engines and poluting the ciry.

    In 2035 the current terminal in the centre has to be closed and 2 new terminal buildings outside the centre (i belive they will be in Amsterdam noord). The capacity will be lower than it is today and some larger ships will have to relocate to rotterdam instead

    In reality this wont change much i guess except thaf cruises tourists now will have to clog up local ferries / metros to get to the centre.

    But props to trying something atleast its a tourist sector thats everything but sustainable.

  2. Over tourism is always an interesting to thing to read about to me, coming from a place that definitely doesn’t have it lol

  3. In Venice the absence of cruise ships has been credited with improving water quality in the lagoons, due to corona virus restrictions. I don’t know what the situation is today, but cruise ships rarely help the economy of cities imo.

  4. Honestly Amsterdam probably doesn’t need the money and exposure from cruise ship visits to get by.

    Small coastal towns can really benefit but I am not sure how much cruise ships bring into Amsterdam. Maybe someone has the numbers?

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