russian army, 2024: homemade artillery piece made from a KBP 2A28 Grom 73 mm smoothbore gun that was once mounted on a BMP/BMD-1

russian army, 2024: homemade artillery piece made from a KBP 2A28 Grom 73 mm smoothbore gun that was once mounted on a BMP/BMD-1

by MetaIIicat

  1. Images of the latest desperation of the 2nd Army of the World

    It consists of what looks like a homemade vehicle pulling a homemade artillery piece made from a KBP 2A28 Grom 73 mm smoothbore gun that was once mounted on a BMP/BMD-1. It is so bad, that it is hard to not think it is a parody or joke of some kind… but it’s not.

  2. this is some isis level technical shit, maybe al-Qaida.
    not something you see from the attacking aggressor force

  3. No hearing protection.
    Looking more like an African militia than the mighty Soviets of the past

  4. This smoothbore piece of shit could barely hit anything past a few hundred meters from a stable platform, how are the young to use it as artillery with that short of a range?

  5. They need to paint the vehicle red and scream “Waaaaaaaaaagh!” while firing that “gun”, to stay in role…

    Honestly, they are running low on mortars or sth? The probability of hittin a target (one that you actually want to hit, not like… a random tree) with that construction is basically non-existant (maybe if it is a barn 25 metres away and you land the first shot…)…

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