Finnland: China kann Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine mit einem Telefonanruf beenden

Finnland: China kann Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine mit einem Telefonanruf beenden

  1. China can gain a lot by not lifting finger to end Russia’s war with Ukraine.

    1) Russia will be forced to rely on China in future.

    2) China can learn a lot from battles even when Russia is getting kicked in the ass.

    3) Any aid given to Ukraine will be that much less to be used against China should both countries come to blow.

  2. *From Bloomberg News reporters Kati Pohjanpalo and Leo Laikola:*

    Russia’s reliance on China has gotten to the point where Beijing could end the war in Ukraine if it chose to, Finnish President Alexander Stubb said.

    “Russia is so dependent on China right now,” Stubb, 56, said in an interview in Helsinki Tuesday. “One phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis.”

    Stubb’s comments reflect the increasing frustration among Ukraine’s allies over China’s perceived support for Russia’s war effort. They accuse Beijing of providing the Kremlin with technologies and parts for weapons and helping Moscow to get around international trade restrictions.

    “If he were to say, ‘Time to start negotiating peace,’ Russia would be forced to do that,” Stubb said.

  3. There’s no incentive for China to end this war. The conflict in Ukraine is weakening both the West and Russia, which ultimately benefits China.

  4. Yea.  So can biden… If we pull all aid from ukraine we’ll have peace.  But thats not really the solution we are looking for. Who writes these trash articles? I hope it was an AI.

    We can nearly fix all problems in the world with one phone call.  But we have no one in charge that wants to fix. People want to earn. Not fix.

  5. Why, all he can see is the west and Russia using up their munitions and assets. They’ll just sit back basically. They pretend to want to be a world citizen and role model nation and everybodies friend but in the end they are just your standard everyday power hungry dictatorship.

  6. I know this is unrelated by the headline was unnecessarily hard to read with this strange capitalisation…

  7. China likes the idea of Russia weakened after years of war. Why would they stop them?

  8. No, they’re too busy building drones for Russia at the moment, try again later….

  9. But who will pay the telephone bill.
    The war benefits everyone who isn’t regular citizens of the nations involved in the war.

    Cost to rebuild Ukraine: $500+ billion
    Cost of war to Russia: $250+ billion for operations and perhaps 3x-4x more due to blocked funds and sanctions.

    Then all the funds from the west :
    Cost of war to US : $175+ billion
    Then other European nations may have spent similar amounts.

    Weapon manufacturers alone would have made $500 billion.

    China would benefit after the war much more than they do now. Post- war Ukraine and Russia will be a golden goose for China.

  10. Why would China want to do that? The war consumes the attention and treasure of China’s chief rival, America. It weakens Russia, who is a historical rival of China’s. And it allows China to test their weapons against US weapons – all while they profit from supplying arms to Russia. No. That phone call won’t be coming soon.

  11. China ends the war so USA and Europe can redirect the hostility in full to China, hmmm i doubt that will happen

  12. But why?

    China is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This war:

    1. Ensured China’s energy security and turned Russia into China’s large oil tank

    2. Alienated the relationship between Central Asia and Russia and opened up the most critical channel for China’s Belt and Road Initiative

    3. Because of the loss of energy security, the European economy is struggling, especially the industry, and many companies are looking for other alternatives

    4. It shifted the world’s attention, allowing Europe and the United States to focus on Eastern Europe instead of East Asia, greatly easing China’s pressure

    Unless China is crazy, I don’t think China wants the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to end

  13. And Washington could end the war with a phone call too.

    Fact is the decision to end this war will be taken in Washington.

    Moscow and kyiv won’t end this war. Even if China stopped helping Russia it could go on the defensive

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