UA Strike Drone Company elininates Russian soldier. Looses leg in a nasty looking way. NSFW

UA Strike Drone Company elininates Russian soldier. Looses leg in a nasty looking way. NSFW

by JournalistLonely3472

  1. Every time I see a drone with a blue colored explosive strapped on top of it, I know the explosion is going to be devastating.

  2. The most video-documented war in history. These drone recordings are insane.

  3. The crappy thing is that this won’t stop the invasion. putler will just keep finding “undesirable” to send into the meat grinder while getting arms & ordnance via china and north Korea. If this were to happen to putler, of course… We’re not certain who will be the next dictator, but they might think long and hard about what happened to the last one for murdering Ukrainians for 2 years and simply giving a potato but no money to the families of orcs who can be proven to be 200 in Ukraine.

  4. tell me what you want but drone warfare is just gruesome. i think even ww1 had to be “better”

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