Moscow hoists Soviet flags at Svalbard

Moscow hoists Soviet flags at Svalbard

by Gjrts

  1. A bottle of lighter liquid and a lighter could solve this insult really fast.

  2. Any context? I thought the Soviet mining facility has long since been abandoned, did Russia inherit the mining rights or something?

  3. When you have no future false nostalgia for the past is all you can grasp.

  4. Can Norway kick Russia out? It could be a major Security threat to have Russian towns inside of territory of a NATO member

  5. Is that really the best thing that the Orcs can come up with? Glorifying one of the most murderous dictatorships history has ever known? What bunch of fucking losers.

  6. It is kind of Russia to provide the people of Svalbard with an alternative in case toilet paper runs out.

  7. This is a nothingburger. The Russians have had a small settlement on Svalbard for a hundred years, and have the right to be there.
    Who cares which flag they want to flaunt.

  8. Isn’t that also very close to Finland? If I were Russian, I wouldn’t want a glaring reminder of the Soviet Union’s arguable biggest military humiliation.

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