Pierre? Care to explain?

Pierre? Care to explain?

by pocaSperanza

  1. I was thinking about the risk of catching STDs then I remembered he’s French so he already has them all.

  2. He will then go home and vote National Rally, cos these dang foreigners keep coming into his country 😡😡

  3. Rapistpierre – a French controversial Tourist.

    Rapistpierre passionately advocated for all french’s right to mate unhindered.

  4. We have an expression in France that goes « le temps béni des colonies » (« the blessed times of colonies », it rhymes in French) that we use most of the time to mock these sexist+racist combo of behaviors. Sometimes we just use it out of nostalgia like this dude probably did.

  5. We’ll give you a seat in the Iberian council, but we don’t grant you the title of master.

  6. stds are one thing, the obvious lack of responsibility for the offspring another. but one thing let me really wonder about him: he must have impressive pick-up skills!

  7. You can tell he’s full of shit because men can barely know if they’re the father of one child, much less 600.

  8. Lol, he was probably mad so many immigrants come to Europe and make Europe “browner”, so he went out to make Africa “whiter”.
    Revenge f…..

  9. I’d call it fake.

    Tried to look it up, and found nothing. There’s articles here and there, copy and pasted by less than truthworthy websites and forum, but nothing substantial.

    And always post like this with part of an article, but never link to said article.

  10. He got a collection of ultra antibiotic resistant bacterias for sure, guy is probably a walking nightmare

  11. Damn. The frog may plagiarising us, but still…Single-handedly trying to make a new Brasil…even we divided the effort between a few different blokes.

  12. Pierre out there trying to create new football players for the French teams as an act of political protest against the impending right wing government. So that in 18 to 25 years they can have a fully black team just so the right can cope and seethe, I admire the French way of finding new ideas of how to do political protests

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