Missile strike near mall in Dnipro couple hours ago

Missile strike near mall in Dnipro couple hours ago

by see4u

  1. I can’t remember which platform it was, but there was a missile defense system (perhaps NASAMS) that fired a missile that would climb rapidly and intercept the incoming projectile from above. The idea I heard was that cruise missiles tend to fly at a low altitude and the downward facing seeker of the interceptor missile could detect the cruise missiles a lot better, because the disparity between the relatively “colder” ground and the hotter exhaust of the cruise missile made for a better target acquisition. I know earlier in the war the Ukrainians had such a system, so maybe that is what is happening here. If this missile was an air burst, you would think it would be sending out cluster explosives not just shrapnel. However, I would like to hear from someone with better knowledge than me, I’m sure my speculation is just that, speculation.

    *Edit* the literal post below this one talks about “secret” deliveries from Germany and in it, it includes the Iris-T. I think that might be what I was thinking of

  2. Textbook thermobaric explosion. They are aiming to demolish buildings by using that. Civilian ones by the look of it.

  3. The horrors never end.

    The filth that occupy this Third World terrorist state, RuZZia, have to made to pay for the atrocities their murderous dictator and his military are continuously committing in Ukraine.

  4. “you can’t attack russia, this is escalation!!! Just die already omg” – US Goverment

  5. No military targets, only the civilian population. Fuck off putlin, I hope you drown in your own piss.

  6. What the fucking way to spend the best years of her youth. Stay safe girl.

  7. If it was airburst I think she woulda died from shrapnel. Maybe a very low interception.

  8. Supposedly it was a missile research facility, although I doubt any research was conducted here anymore since – you know – the place is known far and wide for missile research.

  9. When they hit children with their missiles , the more I hate Russia. This is what Ukraine 🇺🇦 gets for independence? Just leave them alone. Bullying doesn’t work.

  10. Not only Putler, but all f#cking russians are criminals!
    For not rising up to stop this madness…dumb ignorent orcs

  11. Bombarding civilians like a country that doesn’t deserve to exist.

  12. Seriously? Air bursting a city?

    Can this be the final straw? I propose that now for every Russian weapon that hits a Ukrainian city, Ukraine gets to call in a NATO air strike. Rules is rules !

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