Trans advocate Harriet Harman in line to run equalities watchdog

Trans advocate Harriet Harman in line to run equalities watchdog

by SojournerInThisVale

  1. >”So as far as I’m concerned, women are women who are born women, but women are also women who are trans women.”

    >“I think that we also need to recognise that in some respects there need to be same-sex services, which can be delivered and you can’t have a blanket exclusion of trans women, but in certain circumstances, in narrow circumstances, you can restrict those services.”

    Wildly sensible viewpoint that one. Pity Keir et al couldn’t have stuck to it rather than pandering to the fearmongering.

  2. It’s nice to hear some good sense, reason and wisdom in the current climate of hysteria.

  3. Completely mad that she’s being described as a trans advocate and not anything actually relevant to her career or qualifications

  4. So they haven’t even been elected yet and they’re already fixing positions for their mates

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