Russia-Ukraine war: Russia carries largest Black Sea Port under drone attack | WION LIVE

Russia-Ukraine war: Russia carries largest Black Sea Port under drone attack | WION LIVE

and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at Kei only the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Orin urged Ukrainian counterart venski to reconsider a ceis fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well ziny says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line all right let’s talk about what is happening in Ukraine at this hour we are now being joined by Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bck good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour uh Hungarian prime minister Victor Oban is in Ukraine and he’s urging his counterpart vadir zalinski to go for a ceasefire and um this he says will give Ukraine and Russia an opportunity to speak about peace your reaction well I’ve been expecting this step from Victor Oran side because he has taken over the EU presidency from 1 of July and for the first time since two years he has gone to Kev in order to meet uh his Ukrainian counterpart it’s a surprise but it’s I’ve expected this because the EU has launched the beginning the first steps towards EU accession negotiations of Ukraine and at the same time as Victor Orban is someone who has is maintaining links not only permanent to the west and to European nations but at the same time to Russia and by the way don’t forget Hungary has a minority within Western Ukraine and Hungary is receiving about 5,000 people per week as refugees at home without speaking about this and Hungary has been complaining about let’s say the treatment of its minority in Ukraine but now he is her place and it’s normal as he is links and an Open Door uh to Vladimir Putin and on on the other hand to the other Europeans or to the Americans I think I’ve expected that step that Victor Oran is urging zinski to accept let’s say a real negotiation why because when you look at the front of a war despite of you mention in the news Clyde bombs uh you might fight May fight against Clyde bombs too but if you look at the front and it moving the front in the last six months first of all Ukrainian offensive without success and now Russian offensive without success too and therefore the front is not moving it’s it’s difficult uh and it’s just prolonging war and people have been thinking well it will last till the end of of a year at least till after the American elections but there is a chance because I think both sides are tired to some extent all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Mr Joakim B is a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security adviser to German Chancellor helmet Co Mr bik thank you for talking to us today as a pleasure as always all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent taret of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in is surpris visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor auan gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war Tor country under Orin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns ke is ke to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the heers are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalanski has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide Kev with over 85 us mate F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zelinsky to consider seire the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orbin is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a Seas fire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zensi says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between our neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective and as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting air fields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and a frequent Target of Moscow strike Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed that they believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russ Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United un States of America it has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia Auburn who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talk talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to ke in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this think he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 202 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war torn country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations vasel lenia has warned Israel this if it moves forward with reported plans to supply Ukraine with us Made air defense systems nebenzia has underlined Israel must be ready to face the consequences if it does so abenia has warned that such a move could affect Israel and Russia relations he was speaking as Moscow assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations security Council we are discouraging uh all uh countries that uh uh that have not yet done so to uh to uh provide arms for Ukraine the the uh Destiny of the weapons that will or will not be that will be eventually uh exported to Ukraine from wherever the destiny is uh is clear they will be destroyed as the other weapons that uh the west and the US are supplying Ukraine with uh but I I presume that uh that the decision that might be taken on the issue uh May of course have uh certain political consequences the US Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot systems to keev Israel announced plans to retire its more than 30 years old m901 PK 2 batteries in April it intends to replace them with more advanced systems however they have not been put out of service yet due to growing tensions with lebanon’s HB militants however the purported deal could see Israeli Patriots first sent to the US before being supplied to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukraine war Israel has only provided humanitarian Aid to keev in fact in 2023 Israel had rejected zalenski’s demand for their Iron Dome air defense systems meanwhile in the latest updates from the battlefield Moscow has claimed destroying five Ukrainian suco 27 fighter jets with isander M missiles and damaging two more in is Ukraine’s Central pava Russia’s defense Ministry published footage of the attack which showed smoke and Flames rising from an Airfield hitting back keev is claiming that Russia is exaggerating the damage caused however it has not detailed the scope of the damage Russia is targeting Ukrainian airfields just as keev prepares to receive the first US designed f-16s which Moscow has vowed to destroy on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in keev for talks with zanski this is his first visit since the War Began in February 2022 it comes the day after Hungary took over the six month rotating presidency of the European Union the position brings with it little real power but as the ability to set the tone for the Block’s agenda obin’s press Chief confirmed to journalist that the visit was an opportunity for building peace as Ukraine fights off Russia’s invasion Hungary and Ukraine shared strained relationship Oran is known as Putin’s closest EU Ally he has in the past routinely blocked delayed or even watered down EU efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Moscow as Russia continues to Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinsky has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to IDE ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zalinski to reconsider AIS fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zansi has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that Expos Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for longrange attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide keev with over 85 us- made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Oban urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zalanski to reconsider a ceas fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line all right let’s talk about what is happening in Ukraine at this hour we are now being joined by Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bck good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour uh Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin is in Ukraine and he’s urging his counterpart vadir zilinski to go for a ceasefire and um this he says will give Ukraine and Russia an opportunity to speak about peace your reaction well I been expecting this step from Victor Oran side because he has taken over the EU presidency from 1 of July and for the first time since two years he has gone to Kev in order to meet uh his uh Ukrainian counterpart it’s a surprise but it’s I’ve expected this because the EU has launched the beginning the first steps towards EU accession negotiations of Ukraine and at the same time as Victor auban is someone who has is maintaining links not only permanent to the west and to European nations but at the same time to Russia and by the way don’t forget Hungary has a minority within Western Ukraine and Hungary is receiving about 5,000 people per week as refugees at home with without speaking about this and Hungary has been complaining about let’s say the treatment of its minority in Ukraine but now he is a place and it’s normal as he is links and an Open Door uh to Vladimir Putin and on on the other hand to the other Europeans or to the Americans I think I’ve expected that step that Victor Oran is urging zinsky to accept let’s say a real negotiation why because when you look at the front of a war despite of you have mentioned in the news C bombs uh you might fight May fight against Clyde Broms too but if you look at the front and it moving the front in the last six months first of all Ukrainian offensive without success and now Russia offensive without success too and therefore the front is not moving it’s it’s difficult uh and it’s just prolonging war and people have been thinking well it will last till the end of of the year at least till after the American elections but there is a chance because I think both sides are tired to some extent all right we’ll have to live with there I’ve been talking to Mr Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet Co Mr bik thank you for talking to us today as a pleasure as always all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting air fields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of moscow’s Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinsky to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia Oban who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine help talks with President Vladimir zinski during his first trip to ke in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orbin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 22 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support Kev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war torn country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to address exing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalenski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himas are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume two overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide Kev with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart V zansi to consider CI the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orbin is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talk with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explode this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective and as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting air fields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important Air Base and a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed that they believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first bat of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America it has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zalinski during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbin gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war torn country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations vasel lenia has warned Israel this if it moves forward with reported plans to supply Ukraine with us Made air defense systems naen has underlined Israel must be ready to face the consequences if it does so abenia has warned that such a move could affect Israel and Russia relations you was speaking as Moscow assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations security Council we are discouraging uh all uh countries that uh uh that have not yet done so to uh to uh provide arms for Ukraine the the uh Destiny of the weapons that will or will not be that will be eventually uh exported to Ukraine from wherever the destiny is uh is clear they will be destroyed as the other weapons that uh the west and the US are supplying Ukraine with uh but I I presume that uh that the decision that might be taken on the issue uh May of course have uh certain political consequences the US Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot systems to keev Israel announced plans to retire its more than 30 years old m901 PK 2 batteries in April it intends to replace them with more advanced systems however they have not been put out of service yet due to growing tensions with lebanon’s HB militants however the purported deal could see Israeli Patriots first sent to the US before being supplied to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukraine war Israel has only provided humanitarian Aid to keev in fact in 2023 Israel had rejected zelinsky’s demand for their iron doome air defense systems meanwhile in the latest updates from the Battle Field Moscow has claimed destroying five Ukrainian suco 27 fighter jets with isander and missiles and damaging two more in Ukraine’s Central pava Russia’s defense Ministry published footage of the attack which showed smoke and Flames rising from an Airfield hitting back keev is claiming that Russia is exaggerating the damage caused however it has not detailed the scope of the damage Russia is targeting Ukrainian airfields just as keev prepares to receive the first US designed f-16s which Moscow has vowed to destroy on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in Kev for talks with zanski this is his first visit since the War Began in February 2022 it comes the day after Hungary took over the six month rotating presidency of the European Union the position brings with it little real power but as the ability to set the tone for the blocks agenda obin’s press Chief confirmed to journalists that the visit was an opportunity for building peace as Ukraine fights off Russia’s Invasion Hungary and Ukraine shared strain relationship or is known as Putin’s closest EU Ally he has in the past routinely blocked delayed or even watered down EU efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Moscow as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinsky has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the heers are not a viable solution to the Soviet Ira Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide keev with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zalinski to reconsider a CIS fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalanski has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalanski has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assur that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F6 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Orin urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zalanski to reconsider AIS fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine know as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line all right let’s talk about what is happening in Ukraine at this hour we are now being joined by Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr Blick good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour uh Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in Ukraine and he’s agging his counterpart vadir zalinski to go for a ceasefire and um this he says will give Ukraine and Russia an opportunity to speak about peace your reaction well I’ve been expecting this step from Victor Oran side because he has taken over the EU presidency from 1 of July and for the first time since two years he has gone to Kev in order to meet uh his uh Ukrainian counterpart it’s a surprise but it’s I’ve expected this because the EU has launched the beginning the first steps to towards EU accession negotiations of Ukraine and at the same time as Victor auan is someone who has is maintaining links not only permanent to the west and to European nations but at the same time to Russia and by the way don’t forget Hungary has a minority within Western Ukraine and Hungary is receiving about 5,000 people per week mhm as refugees at home without speaking about this and Hungary has been complaining about let’s say the treatment of his minority in Ukraine but now he is theplace and it’s normal as he is links and an Open Door uh to Vladimir Putin and on on the other hand to the other Europeans or to the Americans I think I’ve expected that step that vior Oban is urging zelinski to accept let’s say a real negotiation why because when you look at the front of a war despite of you have mentioned in the news Clyde bombs you might fight May fight against Clyde Broms too but if you look at the front and it moving the front in the last 6 months first of all a Ukrainian offensive without success and now a Russian offensive without success too and therefore the front is not moving it’s it’s difficult uh and it’s just prolonging war and people have been thinking well it will last till the end of of a year at least till after the American elections but there is a chance because I think both sides are tired to some extent all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Mr Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security adviser to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bik thank you for talking to us today as a pleasure as always all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of F6 teams from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinsky to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinsky during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale inv of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the wtor country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zelenski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the heers are not a viable solution to the Soviet ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted netherland’s defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide Kev with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zansi to consider CI the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oran is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation president V zinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective and as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in West Ukraine which is home to an important air base and a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed that they believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America it has announced that it will soon announc more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zinski during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Oran gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orin has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Oran did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched a fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the W torn country under Orin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns K is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations vasel lenia has warned Israel this if it moves forward with reported plans to supply Ukraine with us Made air defense systems nebenzia has underlined Israel must be ready to face the consequences if it does so abenia has warned that such a move could affect Israel and Russia relations he was speaking as Moscow assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations security Council we are discouraging uh all uh countries that uh uh that have not yet done so to uh to uh provide arms for Ukraine the the uh Destiny of the weapons that will or will not be that will be eventually uh exported to Ukraine from wherever the destiny is uh is clear they will be destroyed as the other weapons that uh the west and the US are supplying Ukraine with uh but I I presume that uh that the decision that might be taken on the issue uh May of course have uh certain political consequences the US Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot systems to keev Israel announced plans to retire its more than 30 years old m901 park two batteries in April it intends to replace them with more advanced systems however they have not been put out of service yet due to growing tensions with Lebanon hasb militants however the purported deal could see Israeli Patriots first sent to the US before being supplied to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukraine war Israel has only provided humanitarian Aid to ke in fact in 2023 Israel had rejected zelinsky’s demand for their iron doome air defense systems meanwhile in the latest updates from the battlefield Moscow has claimed destroying five Ukrainian suko 27 fighter jets with isander M missiles and damaging two more in Ukraine’s Central pava Russia defense Ministry published footage of the attack which showed smoke and Flames rising from an Airfield hitting back keev is claiming that Russia is exaggerating the damage caused however it has not detailed the scope of the damage Russia is targeting Ukrainian airfields just as keev prepares to receive the first US designed f-16s which Moscow has vowed to destroy on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in k for talks with zansi this is his first visit since the War Began in February 2022 it comes the day after Hungary took over the six Monon rotating presidency of the European Union the position brings with it little real power but as the ability to set the tone for the Block’s agenda obin’s press Chief confirmed to journalists that the visit was an opportunity for building peace as Ukraine fights off Russia’s Invasion Hungary and Ukraine shared strained relationship over is known as Putin’s closest EU Ally he has in the past routinely blocked delayed or even watered down EU efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Moscow as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vodia zinsky has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet IR ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscore the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these boms ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Orin urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zinsky to reconsider a ceis fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinski has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide key with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Orin urged Ukrainian counterart vadir zalinski to reconsider a CIS fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the font line all right let’s talk about what is happening in Ukraine at this hour we are now being joined by Joakim balik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bck good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour uh Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in Ukraine and he’s urging his counterpart vadir zalinski to go for a ceasefire and um this he says will give Ukraine and Russia an opportunity to speak about peace your reaction well I’ve been expecting this step from Victor Oran side because he has taken over the EU presidency from 1 of July and for the first time since 2 years he has gone to Kev in order to meet uh his uh Ukrainian counterpart it’s a surprise but it’s I’ve expected this because the EU has launched the beginning the first steps towards EU accession negotiations of Ukraine and at the same time as Victor Orban is someone who has is maintaining links not only permanent to the west and to European nations but at the same time to Russia and by the way don’t forget Hungary has a minority within Western Ukraine and Hungary is receiving about 5 5,000 people per week as refugees at home without speaking about this and Hungary has been complaining about let’s say the treatment of its minority in Ukraine but now he is Sur place and it’s normal as he is links and an Open Door uh to Vladimir Putin and on on the other hand to the other Europeans or to the Americans I think I’ve expected that step that Victor auan is urging zinski to accept that say a real negotiation why because when you look at the front of a war despite of you have mentioned renews Clyde bombs uh you might fight May fight against cide bombs too but if you look at the front and it moving the front in the last six months first of all Ukrainian offensive without success and now a Russian offensive without success too and therefore the front is not moving it’s it’s difficult uh and it’s just prolonging war and people have been thinking well it will last till the end of of a year at least till after the American elections but there is a chance because the I think both sides are tired to some extent all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Mr Joakim bck he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bik thank you for talking to us today as a pleasure as always all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting airfields in West in Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade Modi details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Oran gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orbin has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian president Vlad Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to ke in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Oran did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched his fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the walor country under Orin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic Hungarian living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns ke is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the imers are not a viable solution to the Soviet ER ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these boms keev maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zelinsky to consider CI the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orban is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president for vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a Seas fire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zilinski says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective and as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting air fields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed that they believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America it has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with z during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 20202 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support keev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the wtor country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations vasel lenia has warned Israel this if it moves forward with reported plans to supply Ukraine with us Made air defense systems nebenzia has underlined Israel must be ready to face the consequences if it does so theia has warned that such a move could affect Israel and Russia relations he was speaking as Moscow assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations security Council we are discouraging uh all uh countries that uh uh that have not yet done so to uh to uh provide arms for Ukraine the the uh Destiny of the weapons that will or will not be that will be eventually uh exported to Ukraine from wherever the destiny is uh is clear they will be destroyed as the other weapons that uh the west and the US are supplying Ukraine with uh but I I presume that uh that the decision that might be taken on the issue uh May of course have uh certain political consequences the US Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot systems to keev Israel announced plans to retire its more than 30 years old m901 P two batteries in April it intends to replace them with more advanced systems however they have not been put out of service yet due to growing tensions with lebanon’s hea militants however the purported deal could see Israeli Patriots first sent to the US before being supplied to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukraine war Israel has only provided humanitarian Aid to keev in fact in 2023 Israel had rejected zelinsky’s demand for their iron doome air defense systems meanwhile in the latest updates from the battlefield mosc has claimed destroying five Ukrainian suco 27 fighter jets with isander M missiles and damaging two more in is Ukraine’s Central pava Russia’s defense Ministry published footage of the attack which showed smoke and Flames rising from an Airfield hitting Mar keev is claiming that Russia is exaggerating the damage caused however it has not detailed the scope of the damage Russia is targeting Ukrainian airfields just as Kev prepares to receive the first US designed F6 16s which Moscow has vowed to destroy on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in k for talks with zanski this is his first visit since the War Began in February 2022 it comes the day after Hungary took over the six Monon rotating presidency of the European Union the position brings with it little real power but as the ability to set the tone for the Block’s agenda obin’s press Chief confirmed to journalists that the visit was an opportunity for building peace as Ukraine fights off Russia’s Invasion Hungary and Ukraine shared strain relationship Oren is known as Putin’s closest EU Ally he has in the past routinely blocked delayed or even watered down EU efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Moscow as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinsky has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at keev only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister say is in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide ke with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin urged Ukrainian counterart vadir zalanski to reconsider AIS fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinski has raised concerns he claims there is no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet era Munitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using freeall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of F16 will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted netherland’s defense minister says in a letter to Parliament Netherlands Belgium Denmark and and Norway have together committed to provide keev with over 85 us- made F-16 fighter jets by the year 2028 meanwhile in a rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full in uh Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin urged Ukrainian counterpart vadir zalanski to reconsider a ceis fire in the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Oben is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine well zilinsky says it is important for Europe to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line all right let’s talk about what is happening in Ukraine at this hour we are now now being joined by Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bck good to see you and thank you very much for joining us at this hour uh Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in Ukraine and he’s urging his counterpart vadir zilinski to go for a ceasefire and um this he says will give ukra ukine and Russia an opportunity to speak about peace your reaction well I’ve been expecting this step from Victor Oran side because he has taken over the EU presidency from first of July and for the first time since two years he has gone to Kev in order to meet uh his uh Ukrainian counterpart it’s a surprise but it’s I’ve expected this because the EU has launched the beginning the first steps towards EU accession negotiations of Ukraine and at the same time as Victor auban is someone who has is maintaining links not only permanent to the west and to European nations but at the same time to Russia and by the way don’t forget Hungary has a minority within Western Ukraine and Hungary is receiving about 5,000 people per week as refugees at home without speaking about this and Hungary has been complaining about let’s say the treatment of its minority in Ukraine but now he is her place and it’s normal as he is links and an Open Door uh to Vladimir Putin and on on the other hand to the other Europeans or to the Americans I think I’ve expected that step that Victor Oban is urging zinski to accept let’s say a real negotiation why because when you look at the front of a war despite of you have mentioned in the news cly bombs uh you might fight May fight against Clyde Broms too but if you look at the front and it moving the front in the last 6 months first of all a Ukrainian offensive without success and now a Russian offensive without success too and therefore the front is not moving it’s it’s difficult uh and it’s just prolonging war and people have been thinking well it will last till the end of of the year at least till after the American elections but there is a chance because I think both sides are tired to some extent all right we’ll have to leave it there I’ve been talking to Mr Joakim bik he’s a former German ambassador to Nato and former European diplomatic and security advisor to German Chancellor helmet call Mr bik thank you for talking to us today it’s a pleasure as always all right let’s get you some updates from the Russia Ukraine conflict as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the NE lands Russia is targeting airfields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and it is a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believe would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vadir zilinsky to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zilinski during his first trip to Kev in more than a decade more details on this in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Auburn gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation Orban has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its fullscale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support Kev earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new Aid to the war Tor country under Orin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of Russia 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president vadir zalinski has raised concerns he claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs and America’s Patriots or the himer are not a viable solution to the Soviet ear ammunitions Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at ke only in the last week in simple terms a Glide bomb is a standoff weapon with flight controls which allow it to use a gliding flight path onto a Target at a greater distance these weapons allow Russia to supplement a an inadequate inventory of Tactical Air launched missiles they also help Russia avoid using Free Fall bombs that expose Pilots to a greater risk of being shot down Russia is using Glide bombs along with direct attack Munitions in volume two overwhelm Ukrainian air defense in the given circumstances zalinsky has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for long range attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinsky has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs keev maintains that the provision of F-16 will allow them to take on Russian figh Jets while they are in the air destroying the bombs before they are released meanwhile Netherlands has assured that it will deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine very soon the necessary permit to deliver the Jets to Ukraine have been granted Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to Parliament that Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide K with over 85 us made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 meanwhile in IR rare visit to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full scale Invasion Hungarian prime minister Victor Obin arged Ukrainian counterpart vad zalanski to consider Cy the war with Russia to accelerate peace talks adding that he wanted to sign a big cooperation agreement with Ukraine known as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest EU Ally Orbin is known for being a vocal critic of Western military aid to Ukraine I asked president vadir zinski to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explode this possibility with the president and I am grateful for his honest answers and negotiation President vadir zensi says it is important for you to maintain military support for Ukraine as the Army struggles to hold back determined Russian attacks across the front line to all of us in Europe it is crucial that the European support of Ukraine remains at a sufficient level including our defense from Russian Terror it is important that the relationship between all Neighbors in Europe becomes more deep and effective and as Ukraine awaits the arrival of f-16s from the Netherlands Russia is targeting air fields in Western Ukraine which is home to an important air base and a frequent Target of Moscow strikes Ukrainian officials have not revealed where the f-16s will be based but Moscow said that the strike targeted airfields that believed that they believed would house them meanwhile a Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson said that the strikes presented certain difficulties but would not undermine the delivery of f-16s or their use in the battle the first batch of planes are expected to arrive this month and Ukraine hopes that it will boost forces struggling to repel a Russian Onslaught along the front line meanwhile the United States of America it has announced that it will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor auan has urged Ukrainian president vlir zilinski to consider a ceasefire to end the war with Russia auan who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with zalinsky during his first trip to Kiev in more than a decade more details in our next report in his surprise visit to keev on Tuesday Hungarian prime minister Victor Orbin gave a clear message on how to end Russia’s war in Ukraine I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks by making a ceasefire first a ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks I explored this possibility with the president and I am Greatful for his honest answers and negotiation Oran has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Russian President Vladimir Putin the outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine held talks with President Vladimir zalinski during his first trip to keev in more than a decade we would like to make the relationship between the two countries better we would like to make a broad bilateral agreement with Ukraine similar to the ones we already have made with with our neighbors we would be happy to take part in the modernization of Ukraine’s economy we would like an ordered framework for this he also said he valued ke’s push to promote zelinsky’s vision of Peace at an international Summit in June the Ukrainian president who spoke before Orbin did not respond to those comments ties between the neighbors came under heavy strain after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 pest has often opposed the European Union efforts to support ke earlier this year it took EU leaders weeks to break orban’s veto to extend over 50 billion EUR in new made to the war torn country under Orbin Hungary has repeatedly accused Ukraine of curbing the rights of roughly 150,000 ethnic hungarians living in the far west of Ukraine Ukraine denies this and says it is open to addressing any concerns keev is Keen to support hungary’s backing as it relies heavily on financial and Military Support from the 27 member EU where unanimity is needed for many decisions Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations vasel lenia has warned Israel this if it moves forward with reported plans to supply Ukraine with us Made air defense systems nebenzia has underlined Israel must be ready to face the consequences if it does so nebenzia has warned that such a move could affect Israel and Russia relations he was speaking as Moscow assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations security Council we are discouraging uh all uh countries that uh uh that have not yet done so to uh to uh provide arms for Ukraine the the uh Destiny of the weapons that will or will not be that will be eventually uh exported to Ukraine from wherever the destiny is uh is clear they will be destroyed as the other weapons that uh the west and the US are supplying Ukraine with uh uh but I I presume that uh that the decision that might be taken on the issue uh May of course have uh certain political consequences the US Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot systems to keev Israel announced plans to retire it’s more than 30 years old m901 Park 2 batteries in April it intends to replace them with more advanced systems however they have not been put out of service yet due to growing tensions with lebanon’s HB militants however the purported deal could see Israeli Patriots first sent to the US before being supplied to Ukraine since the beginning of the Ukraine war Israel has only provided humanitarian Aid to keev in fact in 2023 Israel had rejected zalenski’s demand for their iron doome air defense systems meanwhile in the latest updates from the battlefield Moscow has claimed destroying five Ukrainian suco 27 fighter jets with isander M missiles and damaging two more in Ukraine’s Central pava Russia’s defense Ministry published footage of the attack which showed smoke and Flames rising from an Airfield hitting back keev is claiming that Russia is exaggerating the damage caused however it has not detailed the scope of the damage Russia is targeting Ukrainian airfields just as keev prepares to receive the first US designed f-16s which Moscow has vowed to destroy on the Diplomatic front Hungarian prime minister Victor Oben is in Kev for talks with zanski this is his first visit since the War Began in February 2022 it comes the day after Hungary took over the six Monon rotating presidency of the European Union the position brings with it little real power but as the ability to set the tone for the Block’s agenda obin’s press Chief confirmed to journalists that the visit was an opportunity for building peace as Ukraine fights off Russia’s Invasion Hungary and Ukraine shared strain relationship or is known as Putin’s closest EU Ally he has in the past routinely blocked delayed or even watered down EU efforts to extend assistance to Ukraine and to sanction Moscow as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine president

Russian submarines twice conducted unprecedented missions in the Irish Sea after Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, it has emerged. UK forces moved to protect British and Irish waters after the two deployments of the Kilo-class attack subs. One was about 18 months ago, while the other was more recent.

#russiaukrainewar #Putin #wion

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