Guys I think the hamster I adopted is british

Guys I think the hamster I adopted is british

by Mochila__

  1. Look how he is so dramatic about it, he has the talent and the will to become a great theather actor

  2. Everything’s an adventure playground if you’re not a cowardly continental.

  3. Too far m8, my old pal died in Magaluf like this 😑😑😑

    Kind lad was supporting the local economy by giving his money to local clubs run by international criminals with passports in Cyprus. He also helped the local birds with nesting material by leaving disposable vapes on the beach (bless his heart). Then after a long day of kindly testing the integrity of local infrastructure (climbing lampposts and ripping bathroom sinks off public toilet walls), he simply wanted engage in some enrichment activities (screaming football chants in residential areas at 2am).

    It’s not his fault that when he returned home he was so exhausted from his charitable activities that he slipped off the balcony and splatted on the poolside πŸ˜”

  4. I’m not sure what the implication is mate, if you’re looking for a scrap then let me know.

  5. This is how British hamsters beg for beer or tea (depending on the time of day)

    Didn’t anyone tell you that at the animal adoption center or pet shop ?

    To remove the idea that there is a pool nearby from the hamster’s brain should also be considered as a treatment to avoid (further)injuries. However, that would significantly reduce the chances of having offspring hamsters with other British Hamsters.

  6. We laugh at the little guys but then build pillars with motors and cables in order to drag us up a hill that we then ride down on a pair of planks over and over again. Or jump out of the airplane strapped to a piece of cloth. And don’t get me started on the inflatable bannanas…

    If fauna had its own internet, we would be the funny animals to them. Just like a Barry is to us, indeed.

  7. This looks funny but I’m pretty sure this behaviour means there is something seriously wrong with your hamster. There is most likely something wrong with how you keep him.

  8. I’ve only been a Barry for a few days… Anyone want to explain the balcony thing to me? I’ve always thought Russian politicians and generals might deserve the user flair better

  9. Yeeeah, it probably has a brain tumor. My hamster did something similar two days before he died. Found him in his nest with his eye bulging out, so it was pretty clear.

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