Russian embassy lashes out at Netherlands over delivery of F-16s to Ukraine [Translation in comments]

Russian embassy lashes out at Netherlands over delivery of F-16s to Ukraine [Translation in comments]

by bc2307

  1. # The Russian embassy in the Netherlands has responded with threatening words to the announcement that the Netherlands will ‘soon’ send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. “We consider this a hostile move,” the embassy wrote on X.

    “We would like to emphasize that the fighter jets delivered to Ukraine, as well as the airports from which the planes depart, are viewed by Russia as legitimate targets in special military operations,” [the embassy continued]( .

    # ‘Familiar rhetoric’

    The newly appointed Minister of Defense Ruben Brekelmans has responded to the words of the embassy. “We are familiar with that rhetoric from the Kremlin by now,” the minister told RTL Nieuws. Watch his response here:

    According to him, it has been known for over a year that the Netherlands will deliver F-16s to Ukraine. “So that shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

    “We will not be distracted by that,” Brekelmans continues. “We will deliver those F-16s to Ukraine as soon as possible.”

    # Exact delivery date unknown

    On Monday, former Minister of Defense Ollongren informed the House of Representatives that the required permit for the delivery of military equipment to Ukraine had now been issued.

    When exactly the first delivery of the fighter jets will take place, [the ministry did]( not want to say yesterday for security reasons. However, the delivery would take place ‘soon’. According to a spokesperson, the aim is still for sometime at the end of this summer.

  2. That’s cute. They think we are still taking notice of the empty, hypocritical tantrums.

  3. Wait, no nuclear bombing threat against the whole world part 72? That’s new

  4. Hey russian ambassador, would you consider all those KGB weapons, sabotage and espionage stashes planted throughout Europe, the UK, and North America to be “a hostile move”?

    Serious question.

  5. Fuck of Russia. Sorry sack of No good killers. Fucking sad really. Shit you see what happens in my country when a wannabe dictator tries to steal a election. Russians need to take back their government if they want a future with the free world. If not then North Korea is a good vacation spot even Iran will be good for you or maybe China. Get the fuck out of here

  6. Time to start monitoring the borders of those military airports to find muscovite spies

  7. So? Should the Dutch now start panicking, running and waving their arms over their heads or something like that?

  8. Shouldn’t have shot down their citizens in a civilian aircraft motherfuckers. Eat a dick and the bombs that these bad boys are going to deliver. F Russia

  9. “We consider this a hostile move,”

    Who shot down the MH-17 again? Wank muffins!

  10. Dear Mr Ambassador

    Across the planet fair minded people are united in their support of Ukraine. Russia meanwhile has earned a reputation as a dangerous, thuggish, pariah state. As of today your only ‘friends’ are transactional. The only power you wield is brutish.

    And now, true to form, you issue threats to people who support Ukraine in standing up to your barbaric exercise of power. Take a moment to consider what you might do to pivot from the sad and pathetic position you and your country find yourself in. Then change.

    If you can’t, or won’t, expect nothing but contempt and derision from those you would wish to influence with your threats. And know that while it is long accepted you have the ability to set the earth aflame, we the citizens of the earth can only hope you are not so recklessly infantile or deranged as to try.

    Now run along, and do what you must. If that involves a bottle of vodka and a revolver, so be it.

  11. this “NEWS” is complete bullshit.

    Fuck russia

    The new president of the netherlands [](

    ex president [](

    Rutte was appointed to succeed [Jens Stoltenberg]( as [Secretary General of NATO]( on 1 October 2024. Despite previously stating he wanted to focus on high school teaching after his prime ministership, he announced his candidacy for the position in October 2023. His bid received public support from the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France in February 2024.[^([79])]([^([80])]([^([81])]([^([82])]( Rutte managed to overcome opposition from the last holdouts, Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania, in the months thereafter, with his only opponent, Romanian President [Klaus Iohannis](, dropping out a week before his official appointment on 26 June 2024.[^([79])]([^([83])]([^([84])](

    they will sort it out

  12. I recently moved from the Hague and have not pissed on their embassy compound for a while. Could one of my old fellow the Hague city dwellers take over my shift?

  13. So what do they want to do to us in the Netherlands?

    Perhaps park their Corps Diplomatic cars all over the sidewalk or just ignore red traffic lights ….. or worse, let their wives drive their cars and damage other cars and lash out it’s someone else’s fault?

    Oh wait. That’s already normal behavior for Ruzzian embassy employees.

  14. L+Ratio. Hope the jets we’re giving you guys demolish hundreds of invaders.

  15. Please stop taking about F-16s, just send them. Reminds me that poster in the bar: “Free Beer … Tomorow”

  16. Why even bother threatening the Netherlands? They would have to go through so much of NATO to get there they can’t possibly think anyone would take them seriously. It just makes them look whiney.

  17. Why does Netherlands still keep a Russian Embassy on its territory? I thought after MH17 been shot down they would have no business there anymore

  18. Unless my tax money is spent on killing a lot of Russians I am not happy!

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